Saturday, October 10, 2015

NATO Commander, General Fabio Mini, Talks About Chemtrails on RT News

General Fabio Mini, NAT Commander.
General Fabio Mini, NATO Commander:

“Concerning chemical trails, I’ll tell the truth.  I try to study this phenomenon in depth.  Now I’ll say something that could bother someone.  I used to think it was a swindle too but the pictures we can find online are really dreadful because the trails intersect regularly.”

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'The Late Show' Host Stephen Colbert Flips Off The Illuminati, Ben Bernanke, & Federal Reserve
October 10, 2015

As you may know, Stephen Colbert, has replaced David Letterman as the new host of 'The Late Show' on CBS.  On season 1, episode 22 that aired on October 7, 2015, Stephen Colbert invited former Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke to the show.

In this clip with Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, you will see Stephen Colbert, jokingly put Ben Bernanke under the spotlight and flat out ask him if he is part of the Illuminati while at the same time itching the side of his eye with his middle finger, as if to say "F*#K You" to the self claimed rulers of the world.  In response to the insulting joke/gesture, Ben Bernanke doesn't smile or laugh but seemingly unwilling, shakes his head in agreement.  Those who like to read body language should get a kick out of analyzing this interaction.

'The Late Show' with Stephen Colbert is roughly viewed by over 3 million people per episode. Three million "main stream" people have now been exposed to the Federal Reserve & Illuminati connection.   How these energetics play out in the collective human consciousness can only be assumed but it does confirm that more people are becoming aware of the nefarious hidden hand that thinks it shapes global politics.

Here is the dialogue exchange between Illuminati member Ben Bernanke and comedian Stephen Colbert.

Stephen Colbert: Welcome back everybody!  My next guest is the former chairman of the Federal Reserve. Start your conspiracy theories, now! Please welcome Ben Bernake

Stephen Colbert: In the Federal Reserve, um uh , (Middle Finger Scratches Eye) How many of you are members of the Illuminati?

Ben Bernanke: Um, only a couple of us

Stephen Colbert: Only a couple of you?

Ben Bernanke: Ya

Stephen Colbert is known to go into character and talk about taboo subjects from time to time. Some of the alternative topics covered during his popular 'Colbert Report' on Comedy Central were Chemtrails, New World Order, Time Travel with Andrew Basiago, Monsanto Hypocrisies, and Government Corruption.

Truth telling under the guise of jokes has always been a great way to confront conspiracy topics and introduce them to main stream public.  Another example of this is when President Obama was asked by Jimmy Kimmel about alien and extraterrestrial disclosure.  Obama responded, "The aliens won't let it happen. You'd reveal all their secrets, and they exercise strict control over us," "I can't reveal anything."

So what do you think?  Is Stephen Colbert truly sticking it to the Illuminati and Ben Bernanke under cover as a joke or is Stephen just another clueless media puppet who does this type of routine for shits and giggles?

Thanks SC!

Credit for pointing this out is dpwishy of the Project Avalon forum.

Mark Passio - The Cult of Ultimate Evil, Order-Followers & The Destruction of the Sacred Feminine with Commentary from Justin of SITSSHOW Blog

Mark Passio, Free Your Mind 3 Conference | The Cult of Ultimate Evil, Order-Followers & The Destruction of the Sacred Feminine

Mark Passio is a former satanist priest turned activist and altruist after discovering first hand nefarious activities of a hidden elite operating within the highest levels of government. 

He has since that time become a pillar within the awakening community, sharing deep truths about reality using an in your face style of presentation. While the information he shares is arguably the most important for these shifting times, it is not for the faint of heart. His methods will challenge us in our ability to seek the truth in all ways, even when it might make us uncomfortable. 

The following presentation is from the Free Your Mind 3 Conference held on April 11th 2015 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania; on the suggestive date of 4/11. Passio covers how order-following by the ignorant masses is the primary cause for bringing about evil and chaos in the world. Each order follower, whether police, military or simply the acquiescence of the masses, literally makes manifest the insidious plans of our would-be masters. In all likelihood, each one of us has helped contribute to the currant state of affairs by complying with tyranny at some point in the past; yet we always have the ability to change once we seek the truth.

Mysterious Deaths of the 11 Holistic Doctors Uncovered

By Luke Rudkowski

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews Erin Elizabeth of health nut news, The lead investigative reporter in the case of 11 holistic doctors that have died mysteriously within the last 90 days. To find out more about Erin Elizabeth go to

Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination

cialogoBy Sophie McAdam

Suspicions that the CIA covered up JFK’s murder have finally been confirmed, according to an explosive Politico report out this week.  Fifty-two years after the President’s death, declassified documents show that the CIA were in communication with alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before JFK’s murder in 1963, and they were monitoring his mail since 1959.

Not only that but John McCone, who was Chief of the CIA at the time, allegedly hid evidence from the Warren Commission, set up by Lyndon Johnson to investigate JFK’s assassination. The spymaster and other senior CIA officials are accused of withholding ‘incendiary’ information from the commission and therefore perverting the course of justice. The CIA has admitted this.

The Politico report is based on evidence given by CIA historian David Robarge. He has claimed the cover-up was intended to keep the Commission focused on “what the agency believed at the time was the best truth – that Lee Harvey Oswald, for as yet undetermined motives, had acted alone in killing John Kennedy.” McCone directed the CIA to provide only “passive, reactive and selective” assistance to the Warren Commission, meaning the investigation was severely compromised and did not follow up any other leads which may have been crucial in the search for truth.

Steven Greer Update - London ET Contact Disclosure Presentation - September 2015


Thrive Movement Update - Global Financial Wars — What’s Going On?

Global Financial Wars — What’s Going On?

Dear Thrive Movement,

Last Saturday we held a lively ThriveTogether event that unpacked current events around the globe. Tune in to Foster's download about big shifts in world power dynamics including currency wars, global currency revaluations and what it all means for you: