Thursday, January 7, 2016

Neil Keenan Update - January 7, 2016

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Those Were The Days

Seems just like yesterday I was playing basketball, baseball and football. I wasn’t worrying about a thing other than who would win the game, always trying to acquire the winning strategies to take us over the hump.

Those Were The Days!

It seemed like those days would never end; yet as quickly as they began, they ended. As my teammates and I wondered what we would do next, our entire lives flashed before us. During those many games of competition, we learned to work together as a team to win, and heaven knows, none of us liked losing.

Despite temporarily falling down, we always got up, brushed off our pants, and moved forward without knowing where it would lead us.

Fortunately, we all survived. Many took the easiest road to earn an income, buy a house and raise a family. Others took that road less travelled, sometimes unsuccessfully. I decided “working for the man” was boring, so I went about chasing my own demons and shadows while still young.

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