Friday, February 12, 2016

Cosmic Disclosure Season 3 - Episode 6: Inner Earth: The Library - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

Cosmic Disclosure Season 3 - Episode 6: Inner Earth: The Library - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

This week is special in the annals of Corey Goode testimony, in that, hitherto unrevealed data is being released in relation to his trip to Inner Earth in September of this year. His report of that journey sent waves through the awakening community, and many have been waiting for part two. Although it has yet to be released, the following episode finally provides readers with some more of the story. 
The Library of this one particular Inner Earth group is vast, containing a huge number of literary works, some of which were ancient scrolls, tablets, and bound books. There were also modern works there as well, some of them so new that walking through the library could easily seem like one was perusing through a repository on the surface.

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