Saturday, May 21, 2016

ABC, CBS, NBC News Stations Cover Chemtrail Poisoning and its Connection with Morgellons Disease

ABC, CBS, NBC News Stations Cover Chemtrail Poisoning

Published on May 12, 2016
Aerosol and Gulf War U.S. Army Smart Dust (Morgellons) and 238 Other Confirmed BioWarfare "Experiments" Covered by Mainstream News and Congress

PATRIOT NEWS NOTE: The part where one man claims Morgellons Fibers Tech comes from "aliens" is a false assumption/disinformation. Additionally, we have confirmed that the U.S. Military is involved in this, having tested this garbage on Iraqi guinea pigs in Operation Desert Storm. It is called "Smart Dust." The outbreaks of Smart Dust/Morgellons that are highest in the country are all around major CIA/covert military bases in our country.


If you want to know more about Morgellons and its connection with E.T Agenda and Chemtrail programs than you must watch the presentation by Harald Kautz Vella.  This will give you the scientific research and deep understanding about what is really behind the Morgellons link and black ops Chemtrail programs including the infamous Black Goo. ~e