For the past four years Neil Keenan and Group K have worked hand in hand with Drake Bailey and the Cosmic Voice group, but recently seem to have disagreed over the content of a post that has, to many (who actually have access to such information) proven to be correct.

Check and you will see that some have already actually been inside the redeeming stage.

Neil knows all this and is happy that they can move on once they redeem their SKR’s issued by the Banks, if they can.  It seems as though the CV team cannot get a handle on this and the reason is they advocate the RV’s as a scam, a con.

Neil used to think this way as well.  He never trusted it and still doesn’t but it is what it is, and the RV’s did open temporarily only to be closed over infighting at the Tier 1 level.

Seems that there are those that do not want the Middle Class to make a comeback and to prevent this they want little or no funds to trickle down to Tier 2 (Middle Class).

The Chinese have ordered them to fly to China in order to get this worked out.

The ‘Elite’ will not get all those funds!!

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