9/11 Truth Goes MAINSTREAM !! With Barbara Honegger

After the Unanimous Senate Vote on JASTA, TWO ’60 Minutes’ Broadcasts, and The Expected Imminent Release of the 28 Pages, former White House Policy Analyst, Iran-gate whistleblower, 15-year Senior Military Affairs Journalist for the Dept. of Defense and 9/11 Pentagon attack expert Barbara Honegger reports on all these developments and much more! Honegger also brings us up to date on the historic 9/11 Conference and Legal Panels event that will be held in New York City on Sat. Sept. 10th and Sun. Sept.11th, commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the attacks, including internationally renowned attorneys and the former Chief Justice and current President of the Supreme Court of Italy who investigated and successfully prosecuted the Cold War Gladio attacks in Europe!
The 28 Pages are nearing a very possible declassification and the Senate recently unanimously passed a bill, J.A.S.T.A., that would remove ‘sovereign immunity’ from foreign governments and individuals that currently protect them from lawsuits for sponsoring terrorist acts against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. From what we know of the Pages from members of Congress who have read them and gone public, they point to the involvement of members of the Saudi government and Saudi royal family including Prince Bandar bin Sultan who is so close to the Bush Crime Family that they call him “Bandar Bush”. Prince Bandar was the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. during the planning, execution and cover up of the most horrendous crimes in American history, the crimes of 9/11. According to those who have read the Pages, Bandar’s wife supported the San Diego living arrangements of two of the alleged ‘hijackers’ who both, according to the official story, were on the Pentagon plane; and after the attacks planeloads of Saudi royal family members and bin Ladens were allowed to fly out of the U.S. before any American civilian airliner was allowed in the air. Imagine that! and with 15 of the 19 alleged hijackers being Saudis! As a leading expert on the Pentagon attack, Honegger is uniquely positioned to tell us why the claim that the only two alleged ‘hijackers’ reportedly in the 28 Pages are claimed to have been on thePentagon plane is so important.
Barbara Honegger is a leading investigator, author and public speaker on 9/11 focused especially on the Pentagon attack. She has given invited presentations at dozens of 9/11 conferences and events in the U.S.,Canada and Europe.
From 1995 to 2011, Ms. Honegger served as Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School — the premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university of the Department of Defense — from which position she had access to the highest-level military and civilian officials of the Bush-Cheney Administration to piece together the inside story of the Pentagon attack. For nearly a decade and a half she has published the cumulative results and analysis of those findings, which refute both the official story as well as much of what the 9/11 Truth Movement has been led to believe happened at the nation’s military headquarters on Sept.11th.
Ms. Honegger has served in high-level positions in the U.S. Federal Government, including White House Policy Analyst; Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy; and Director of the Attorney General’s Anti-Discrimination Law Review at the Department of Justice. Her pioneering bookOctober Surprise — on the true deep story behind the Iran side of the Iran/Contra scandal subsequently confirmed by formerly classified documents, led to a full-subpoena-power U.S. House of Representatives investigation funded at the level of the 9/11 Commission. Her 9/11 publications include Behind The Smoke Curtain: What Happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, and What Didn’t, and Why It Matters which has over 180,000 views on YouTube and is available as a professional DVD on amazon.com; Chapter 13 of The Toronto 9/11 Report, a summary of the evidence for pre-placed explosives as the real story at the Pentagon, just as at the World Trade Center; ‘The Pentagon Attack Papers’ published as the Appendix to New York Times bestselling author Jim Marrs’ 9/11 books ‘The Terror Conspiracy’ and ‘The Terror Conspiracy Revisited’; ‘*The Scarlet A: The Anthrax Links to 9/11’ featured as a front-page article in the independent Wash. D.C. newspaper The Rock Creek Free Press and reprinted by OpEdNews; and, as announced by Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, on the 2014 Sept. 11th Anniversary, the ‘9/11 Museum Virtual WalkingTour*’ which uses the exhibit items in the official 9/11 Museum itself to prove that the official story is a lie and which can be watched and listened to with smart phones and ear buds inside the actual Museum at Ground Zero; and “A Tale of Two Cities: Disturbing Parallels Between the U.S. and French 9/11s” in the 2015 book “We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo!”
Ms. Honegger is one of the founding 50 current and former high-level government, military and intelligence officials to call for a new Sept. 11 investigation at PatriotsQuestion911.com, and one of the twenty original charter members of Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth. She received a B.A. in writing and communications from Stanford University and a Master’s in Psychology from John F. Kennedy University, both in California. She did graduate work in the neuro-psychology of human and primate communication at Stanford, and earned a Master’s level certification in National Security Decision making from the Naval War College.
1) New York Times article of June 17, 2016 on the 28 Pages and JASTA revealing that FBI investigator Richard Lambert was
in charge of BOTH the anthrax letter attacks investigation AND the investigation of the two alleged San Diego Saudi hijackers in the 28 Pages:
“A Saudi Imam, 2 Hijackers and Lingering 9/11 Mystery”
2) 2016 Left Forum 9/11 Panel —
The first allowed in the 15 years since 9/11
Barbara Honegger and Kevin Barrett
Honegger is the first Speaker and the last 10 minutes of her presentation is on the 28 Pages:
3) Link to the Videos of All Six Deep State
Panels at the 2016 Left Forum:
4) Behind The Smoke Curtain
Second Edition YouTube:
5) 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour
Music for QMR is used with permission by Captain Squeegee
Quantum Matrix Radio is a show which addresses the hard truths in today’s world coupled with the application of scientific solutions of consciousness raising, alternative healing, self empowerment, alternative energies, and a willingness to explore all avenues of advanced awareness. www.qmamedia.com
About the Show Hosts:
Pamela Senzee is a mural and fine artist, an author, and adventurer. In 2012 she crossed the United States by bicycle along with a fellow peace activist. They embarked on this journey on behalf of the organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Pamela wrote about her experiences, lessons and insights during this epic adventure in her book Quantum Trek – a post-9/11 journey of transformation.
Host David R. Meiswinkle is a retired New Brunswick police officer, a United States Army veteran., and presently a criminal defense attorney. David was the founder of the New Brunswick Reporter. His activism and articles outlining local municipal corruption brought the federal authorities to New Brunswick which led to major investigations and the arrest, indictment, and conviction of prominent local political figures. David served as the Secretary of the New Jersey Reform Party, and was an independent candidate for Governor against Chris Christie in 2009 and ran for a congressional seat against Chris Smith in 2010. He holds a B.A. from Rutgers College, a M.A. from New York University, and a J.D. from Seton Hall University Law School. He is the President and Founder of New Jersey 911 Aware. Along with QMR producer Pamela Senzee, David recently completed a several hundred mile walk for truth and is currently working on a documentary about this historic trek, Truth Walk.
Quantrum Matrix Radio is produced by Pamela Senzee.
*Archives of previous shows can be listened to at NoLiesRadio.