My mother just wrote me and asked me if I had been hacked! Nope, it's me, sorry Mom. Since there has been so much confusion and misunderstanding, let me clear this up.

I had a major talk with the founder and head of Ancient Aliens yesterday. This all started with emails that exchanged in Canada. He was explaining to me that the show is extremely popular. There were some surprising things he said that let me know that some of the most significant public figures out there are watching.
I explained in detail that I have PTSD from being a public figure, as anyone does beyond a certain point, and "do not want to be a celebrity." He was telling me it was already too late for that.
Nonetheless I do very few events and try to keep a low profile. This event coming up is the biggest and longest one I ever do now.
It was very strange that just hours later, soon after I went into the health food store, this person who is a major celebrity among the youth -- Kim Kardashian's half-sister Kylie Jenner, daughter of Caitlyn Jenner -- walks in, makes eye contact with me as soon as she enters, walks right up to me (passing a whole bunch of useful stuff in the store across 100 feet) and stands a foot away from me, wherein she starts mirroring my behavior of testing avocados.
This was very unusual behavior. We started making small talk about them and her affect clearly seemed to indicate that she recognized me from the show, as after all this time it is easy to tell the difference. Nowadays I get recognized at least once no matter where I go. Most people are usually cool and it's no big deal.
Frankly the whole thing did freak me out and feel extremely bizarre, though I did not write it up in so many words last time. Given what I just heard on the phone, it WAS a very strange synchronicity in light of the timing. I did NOT make any effort to get in contact with her, and am well aware that a significant number of people are highly against her family and their constant saturation in the media.
Since this was so strange I felt like the best move was to publicize it rather than hide it. The dream I had this morning was very intense and I am still writing it down. From what I can tell, last night's event was at least partly intended to be a synchronistic "warning shot" that I am about to get thrown to the wolves like she is.
I have had many dreams indicating that this will happen and they have used some of the most visible and in some cases reviled celebrities. Given the updates I am about to release from the SSP Alliance, I do wonder if we are on the brink of a 9/11-scale event, only something that will not necessarily be negative and could lead to very significant changes.
My dream did strongly suggest the Cabal is backed into a corner and will be forced to release apology and reconciliation payments to the people they have harmed for generations. Again, it was very intense and involved a person symbolizing their leader crying in front of me.
So, this event may have been another of many "heads up" events telling me this whole sequence I have been warned about for so long may be getting ready to happen. I am not at all looking forward to being that public, and I did consider that this might have been the last time I could have a relatively anonymous vacation!
Oh well. I think many of you missed the point and the deeper implications of why I bothered to write about it, so here we are.
Flame away! LOL