Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Intel Update - Russia Is Reportedly Set To Release Clinton's Intercepted Emails - July 13, 2016
Received via email....

What if Hillary's State Department emails show that Donald Trump is actually working with her to ensure the Clinton's another term in the White House come November?  

That leak alone would take down: Bill, Hillary, Donald, AG Loretta Lynch, FBI Director Comey... meaning they were all in on the scam, and thus all would have to go.

And what if the Clinton Foundation was the third party mastermind and funding source for all of this?

Is this why Bill maybe boarded AG Loretta Lynch's plane unannounced?  Or was the rendezvous completely pre-planned by both parties and they were secretly trailed by White Hat military, and ultimately exposed?

This would leave Bernie and Paul to run head to head in the general election.  Hey, didn't they both glowingly endorse despised political rivals on the exact same day yesterday?  And intent it fascinating how they both publicly did so right before a secrete but powerful financial event know as the Global Currency Reset was about to arrive?  

Seems odd timing doesn't it?   All of this center right and center left movement right now?  On the same day?   Or perhaps, both have known long ago about the legal and media hammer that will be dropped eventually on the ever scheming children of the cabal?  And maybe each candidate for President 2016 has patiently positioned themselves to absorb Hillary's and Donald's disenfranchised voting blocks right before their respective conventions?  

We shall see.  We shall see.  We shall.