Tuesday, July 12, 2016

White Hat Dark Hat Blog Update - "Illuminati Update" - July 12, 2016

Intel Update 7-12-16 "Illuminati Update"

The implant stations inside of the Kepler belt were successfully removed by the Pleiadians which lead to key Illuminati members having moments of clarity.

There are other groups on this planet that exist that are separate from the Illuminati/Cabal that can rival the Dracos/reptilians in technology and power.

These groups exist outside of the Illuminati and have always been baited into using their technology to consolidate power over the population for the Dracos.

Most of the key Illuminati members on the face of the planet have been removed. These are the people that do not appear in public and are generally unknown.

The head of the Illuminati has been cut off and there hasn't been any organization by them in nearly 7 months.

The hierarchy of the Illuminati/Cabal is under complete siege and is falling a part at a very accelerated pace.

Any group that enters into the atmosphere of the planet either physically or etherically is immediately tracked by groups with advanced technology. They are then targeted with a technology that simulates the effects electro-shock torture. This makes it very hard for the group to make decisions while operating within the atmosphere. It also leads to a lot of groups being baited into landing physically on the surface of the planet and being forced into stasis-pods by certain Draco factions.

Non-physically or etherically the Pleiadians have been going back and forth between Taygeta and our solar system. Physically the vast majority of them are in stasis-pods underground in the Taygeta system or in deep underground military bases around the world. 

The Ashtar Command which is an off-shoot of the Pleiadian fleet has been in orbit around the Earth sinch the 1950s and can be considered one of the secret space program factions.There was a general split among the Pleiadian High Command which lead to the creation of the Ashtar Command. Ashtar was willing to align with the Dracos in order to have some control of the Earth while the Pleiadian faction would only settle for unconditional surrender. There has always been people in the Ashtar Command that baited Ashtar into making decisions that aided the population of Earth.

Neither of the groups can live up to the prestige given to them by New Age lore. They make mistakes like everyone else but together the Asthar Command and Pleiadians have delayed the plans of the Cabal for 10,000 years which has given the population of Earth a chance to evolve at the end of this cycle.
Continue Reading at .... http://whitehatdarkhat.blogspot.com/2016/07/intel-update-7-12-16-illuminati-update.html