Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fisher Update - August 17, 2016

Fisher - Black Hawks, Bounties, Midnight-3 a.m., Dunford and MORE

This report provided by scotchie of wsomn

Can’t tell you when they’re gonna do this but it’s not midnight yet either and we’re kind of expecting something to happen here very shortly. It would be nice if we had confirmation that Landa and the other folks got the use of their funding, but I think that what happened is that they probably had to sign that draconian NDA and they’re not able to say.
There is so much security around this and everybody’s so paranoid, but with the addition of the Abbott Downing taking this thing over as far as the Zim goes, which is pretty well what they’ve done.   I tried to tell everybody this was going to happen, tell them about Bank of America and everything else because it was all out there, but people weren’t paying attention.
But that is a major, major move forward. Everybody’s ready, everybody’s ready, and everybody’s signed off, nobody’s arguing about anything anymore, they’re ready to move forward, and I think we’re gonna get it done maybe in the morning, after midnight, or maybe even later on tomorrow. We’ll see.  We don’t know, but they are ready, and the Elders are hopping mad and so are the Galactic s. We want it done now.
I heard some people were doing exchanges last night, so I’m not sure if that’s accurate or not.
Yes, they have. They have been exchanging, for the last couple of days, actually.
Sounds like a plan to me, let’s.  I’m keeping the vision.
Well, even the wealth managers from Abbott Downing, they’re not or have not, been completely trained yet, they probably are now; but when they say they’re gonna have 6-7-8 Abbott Downing personnel talk to you at the redemption center, they’re serious. They’re just absolutely taking this over. At least that part of it. 
Sounds good to me.
Best we can do is just sit on it and wait.  The Intel's been very, very sparse and if you listen to all the idiot guru calls, umm, excuse me…the guru calls, you hear that.  They’re not getting anything.  Nobody’s getting anything.  

That’s crazy.
No, that’s the way it’s supposed to be.  It’s really tight security and people are complaining they’re seeing black hawk helicopters all over the place, it’s like oh no, oh no, Obama’s gonna do Marshal Law, no, that’s security for redemption centers folks.  
I’m ready to rock ‘n roll, I’m sure we all are.
Well, we’re getting closer and closer.  It’s been a long build up, I won’t go into some of the stuff that’s happened most recently but a lot of this stuff is just teaser information out there to push the Cabal to try to get their last claws into something, and it all fails.  
I heard a couple different people saying that they were actually collecting bounties on people.
Yes.  We won’t go into that here.
I heard that I’m like, can I get some?  
No. We’re there.  
Sounds good.
Everybody just hang on.  The WEIGHT of the wait is, let’s say it’s got an anti-gravity attachment.
So, you been listening, hearing all this stuff about Dunsford, right?
Yes, depending on where it’s coming from.  You talking about the Winston Strout that Dunsford may be dead?  I mean he said he has no confirmation of that; well, I’ll tell you one thing, Joe doesn’t know he’s dead, so we’ll leave it at that.
Caller:   That is funny, I’ve been hearing that all week, that’s BS.  So what’s next?
That’s about all I’m gonna say for tonight.  Maybe tomorrow I won’t have to say anything at all.
Sounds good to me.
Their favorite time is again, somewhere between midnight and 3am because that’s when the London markets open, and they don’t want to effect that if they can prevent it.  But you look at the bonds markets, and all the countries that are going to negative interest rates on their sovereign bonds:  Japan, England, Germany, and many, many others, and you'll have your clues.  Everybody’s on the cliff in that respect and they’re about ready to fall over, and really they can’t, they don’t want them to that cause it ruins the infrastructure that they’re trying to save.
Well, I hope something happens fast cause this is getting boring. 
It’s never boring, it’s tedious.
You know what I mean, I like working fast.
Fisher:  Unfortunately, this has not been a fast process, and there’s been way too many people getting their fingers in it trying to cut a little piece of this pie for themselves.  Even a sliver is enough, and that was another thing they were trying to prevent is all these super-fast computers doing trading just seconds before this thing goes live, and they were gonna make trillions and trillions of dollars and re-hydrate the Cabal because that is where their loyalty was.  Well, most of those people are now gone, I mean some of them are gone permanently, but the others have been, they’re in the unemployment line with the --  what were they called?  Oh yeah, toothless crackheads.
That’s crazy, man.  Straight up greedy stuff, like, what are you gonna do with all that money?  I have currency but I plan on helping people not hoarding it in some warehouse.
What they don’t understand, and this really alludes me, from a logic standpoint, is they’re not going to gain anything by prolonging this any further than they already have.  Because everything that comes out the other side of this when it’s done helps the bottom line for the banks that they work for.   Or use to work for, in some cases.  So they’re not actually exercising any kind of logic at all, they’re just thinking about the way it used to be when they use to perpetrate all the fraud against people, monetize signatures, and hold transfers for weeks, or days and get all the interest in their own pockets.   So none of that’s happening now.
That’s crazy, man.
No, that’s banker thinking.  It’s crazy, yes, but it’s still banker thinking.  They’re learning the hard way.  Same reason they’re arresting thousands in Iraq, they didn’t want to play.  Well, look at it this way, you have a choice, you either play, or you pay.  A lot of them are paying.  
Yes, no doubt, that’s usually how it is.
Everybody was warned, they can’t say they weren’t warned.
They had the opportunity to do the right thing and fouled up again.
Even after they signed agreements that they would do the right thing, that’s what’s really amazing, and that’s one reason why some are going away, or getting fired.
Most of them were threatened or family threatened, and stuff like that, so, they didn’t have the courage to do the right thing cause they were afraid.
No, there was no intimidation from anybody on this.  Not really.  Not on our side anyway, maybe the other side.  We don’t care what they do anymore.  
Caller:  That’s what I’m saying, not on our side, but from their side.
It’s like Yosef said in today’s SITREP, the cabal’s been taken apart, brick by brick.  There’s nothing left.  Nothing left.
We’re hitting them from all different angles right now, it’s like -- SAYONARA!!!  
Fisher:  That’s it, most are in hiding because they know they have a huge bounty on their heads, and you don’t want to play when the Martial Arts Society got the new president said we’re gonna shake this earth, he wasn’t kidding. They’d love to collect that bounty.
I would too if I were them.
Well we’ll wait, we’re good at waiting.  
I’d collect the bounty and just give it away.
Well, if they pop their heads up at the wrong time, somebody’s gonna collect it.  Some of it’s already been collect, by the way.
Yes, I heard the same thing.
Anyway, that’s where we’re at.