By Hiduth
Former Kissinger CEO Says The World Is Run By 30 Families –
A former CEO for Henry Kissinger has said that he believes just 30
families run the world, and that these families are the driving force
behind the New World Order. David Rothkopf, author of ‘Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making,’
and former CEO of Kissinger Associates, says that 30 families and their
6,000 minions control the entire human race of six billion people.

Video Rebel’s Blog reports:
Currently, this One World Corporatocracy
uses the United States and the European Union to consolidate and wield
power over the entire globe. But there are vulnerabilities in the world
of Wall Street Globalism. The EU appears to be disintegrating. The ECB
(European Central Bank) under the ex-Goldman Sachs VP Mario Draghi seems
to be as suicidal as His Japanese counterpart. And America is stretched
thin by its constant warfare. Russia Today said the US had military
operations in 134 countries in 2014. Wikileaks, Snowden and others have
revealed way more truth than the public can digest. The US has been
funding Al Qaeda and ISIS. And now Putin has shown his superiority by
being able to actually find ISIS and bomb them into oblivion.
The only economic and military advantage
America had is about to disappear. Dr Michael Hudson wrote Super
Imperialism in 1972. That was the year after Nixon closed the Gold
Window on August 15, 1971 and the year before Henry Kissinger’s
invention of the Petrodollar in 1973 after the Arab-Israeli war. Hudson
went to the Pentagon and the State Department in 1972 to explain that
the US was making nations overseas pay for their occupation by American
troops by accepting worthless Federal Reserve Notes in exchange for real
goods and services.
When an American general finally
understood what Dr Hudson was saying about foreigners paying for their
own occupation, he exclaimed, “We’re ripping people off.”
The days when The Federal Reserve could
print stacks of dollars to the moon and the Saudis could fund the US
budget deficit with their oil revenues are rapidly coming to an end.
Very soon American politicians will have to recognize that we can no
longer afford all of those wars and forget about over 700 military bases
The American consumer will have to deal
with the doubling of the price of imported goods. Of course that will
mean a drastic drop in the American standard of living which will lead
to instability at home. This cold light of economic reality will force
America to either start WW III or go home. Most sane people would like
to avoid either a thermonuclear war with Russia or a conventional one as
they have far superior weapons. American politicians and the Pentagon
spent $400 billion on the F-35 which does not work. Russia is too poor
to spend trillions of dollars on failed projects so the Elite can line
their pockets at our expense.
What would be nice is for American voters
to join with the citizens of Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa and the
Mideast in their revolt against Globalism. That is to say the workers
of the world unite to end Global Occupation by Bankers.
The following describes an eleven point
program to undo what has been done to us by design. But first I need to
explain what causes Depressions.
Ask your friends what a Depression is.
Most answers will describe the effects, such as, unemployment,
starvation and bankruptcies. Depressions are solved by cancellation of
debts either through discharge in bankruptcy court or by inflation
devaluing the real value of the burden of debt. The third alternative
would be for the government to void Unpayable Debts as the Kings of
ancient Babylon and Sumer did. We would need to devise a more
sophisticated plan as those were relatively simpler agricultural
societies. I would like to make 11 suggestions which can both end a
Depression and take down our Banker Occupied government.
1) Offer $25,000 in debt cancellation to
every adult US citizen who is not institutionalized. This should be an
international effort so people in foreign countries will get equivalent
amounts in pounds, euros and other local currencies. This is to be
financed by seizing the assets of financial war criminals that were
stashed in Liechtenstein, the Cayman Islands and other such offshore
money laundering centers. We need to get the assets of the private banks
and the account numbers of all the corporations and the trusts the
criminals who declared war against us. Only this will stop both World
War III and this Depression.
2) Seize all the assets of war criminals. A
lot of assets have been converted into real estate. In America we also
have problems with mortgages. To evade taxes and to intentionally create
clouded titles to homes the war criminals created the Mortgage
Electronic Registration System (MERS). I would suggest that MERS be made
illegal and require all mortgages be registered at reduced rates at the
local county courthouse. I would give everyone 90 days to register for a
clear title.
I would also challenge the title to every
property to show that it did not belong to a corporation or trust fund
owned by a war criminal. For example, if a shopping mall is owned by a
corporation, the actual people who own the shares must identify
The World Bank did a study of 213 banking
scandals and found that 150 were traced bank to offshore trusts linked
either to drug cartels or to the 30 or so families whose wealth has been
fully invested in slave trading, drug smuggling and other crimes
against humanity for centuries. All of these assets need to be seized so
we can cancel debts and get the economy moving again. We also need to
take away their assets not just because they were stolen from us but to
reduce their ability to wage war against us to zero.
We can take the seized real estate and use it to fund Social Security and stolen pension funds.
The seized stock and bond assets should
also be used to fund public and private pensions and to cancel
government debts. I would also use the tens of trillions of dollars in
government agency assets listed at http://www.CAFR1.com to cancel debts
and fund pensions.
3) All federal, sate and local government
debt should be made illegal. President Lincoln issued Greenbacks which
bore no interest. Greenbacks eliminated the need for bonds to be issued.
4) I would issue a non-interest bearing
currency in America and require the same of any foreign country that
would want our assistance to cancel their government and personal debts.
It was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that allowed bankers to create
money out of nothing and charge us interest. That interest was designed
to transfer all wealth from us to the bankers. It created Unpayable
Debts which grow at exponential rates due to the law of compound
Since prices are a ratio of the Money
Supply to goods and services for sale, if we increase both at the same
rate, we would have price stability. We could at current rates spend 535
billion dollars a year into circulation. We could create 535 billion
dollars and spend it without raising taxes to pay for it. If we
increased the GDP and the Money Supply to twice our current levels, then
we could spend a trillion dollars a year into circulation while
maintaining stable prices.
5) I would spend 200 billion dollars a
year to repair America’s infrastructure. We have spent too much money on
foreign wars so our infrastructure is collapsing. I would divide up 100
billion dollars a year amongst the 50 states on a proportional basis so
a state with 2% of the US population would get 2 billion dollars to
spend on bridges, roads, dams, levees, water purification plants, sewers
and school buildings. This would be matched by another 100 billion
dollars in federal infrastructure repair.
6) I would make pensions illegal. A
pension is a promise to pay you something in 20 or 30 years. These
pension funds currently attract maggots seeking to feed on your
retirement funds. I would pass a law saying that your employer must pay
you this year for any money that was intended to be set aside for your
retirement. This money would go into a retirement account in your name
at a local cooperative trust. Neither politicians nor anyone from Wall
Street should ever be allowed to touch your retirement funds.
7) Use those cooperative trusts to
overpower Wall Street and the City of London. Allow them to offer low
interest credit cards and consumer loans. Let them issue simple life,
fire and auto insurance. Plow the profits back into retirement funds.
Commercial banks would be geared to small businesses.
8) To boost the economy release all of the
secret government technology to new corporations that would receive the
patents and a 5 billion dollar grant to bring cheap and abundant energy
and other advances onto the market. If needed, they could trade patent
rights for regions overseas in exchange for the machinery needed to
produce products in America. Shares should be issued to American
citizens who are over 35. If a stock valued at $50 splits 6 times in 20
years, then it will be worth $3,200 and ten original shares would be
valued at $32,000. They will need the extra growth in their stock
portfolio more than couples 18 to 30 who have longer growth curves and
can expect to retire with a million dollars in stocks.
Young people would no longer contribute to
Social Security. Their employer would pay into their retirement account
at their cooperative trust but they would pay nothing to Social
If a married couple making no more than
the minimum wage were able to set aside everything they paid into Social
Security into a mutual fund, they would retire at age 65 with a million
dollars. That had to be said for the benefit of those who do not
understand money and compound growth.
9) Make fractional reserve banking
illegal. In 1348 the people of Venice were on a gold standard. If you
deposited one gold coin, the banker could loan 50 certificates said to
be equal to 50 gold coins. The banker was allowed to collect interest on
that paper note as if it were 50 gold coins. This system collapsed even
though the people had a gold standard. Bankers pay people to spread
false doctrines about the gold standard. The bankers have stolen most of
the gold and would love a return to the gold standard. But to function
as money the medium of exchange must be plentiful enough so everyone can
buy and sell. The only way a gold standard could work is if we allowed
bankers to loan out 100 or more paper certificates in exchange for each
gold coin. That would impoverish us with interest payments on money the
Bankers created out of nothing. Sound familiar?
10) Make property taxes on a primary
residence illegal. A home should be one of the primary savings plans for
retirement. Taxing homes harms taxpayers. It should no longer be the
policy of the government to do harm to us. Property tax revenues would
be more than balanced by the cancellation of state and local debts and
200 billion dollars a year in federal capital grants. And all those new
infrastructure workers will be paying taxes.
11) Establish an incomes policy. My goal
is self-determination for the working class. The current government is
bankrupting small businesses and the middle class while encouraging
welfare dependency.
I would make the first $30,000 a year on a
single person or $60,000 for a married couples tax free. I would give
the custodial parent $600 a month for the first child and $400 a month
for the second child. Nothing for additional children except in cases of
twins and triplets.
I would also change the name of the IRS to
Internal Revenue and Benefits Services. I would also take away their
armed agents and their police powers. A separate police force would be
responsible for arresting tax cheats. The IRS has killed too many
innocent Americans for them to survive without a serious overhaul.
I would also pass a negative income tax.
Under this system a person making $8.50 an hour would be paid $1.50 an
additional hour by the employer from federal sources. Under this plan a
married couple both working 40 hours a week would earn a guaranteed
$40,160 a year tax free. If they had 2 children, they would receive
$1,000 a month or $12,000 a year for a total of $52,160 tax free.
I would pay for this in part by ending the
wars and the surveillance state. Someone said we spent 7 trillion
dollars on wars we did not need after we allowed Israel to blow up the
World Trade Center. I also would no longer allow bankers to steal 3
billion or more dollars a week from unaudited federal spending.
We should also eliminate a lot of federal,
state and local jobs and even entire departments. We currently have 30
million federal, state and local government workers if you count
I would eliminate most tax deductions. I
would trade your interest rate deduction on a home mortgage for the
elimination of property taxes on a principal residence. And I would
trade your tax exemptions for children by paying you $12,000 a year for
the first two children. Eliminating tax deductions would pay for a
greater part of the reforms we need. Any deduction that gives you a
thousand dollars gives others $100,000 in tax breaks. An oil man once
paid $17.95 in federal income tax on an income of $75,000,000. That was
when tax rates were higher but deductions still shifted the burden to
the middle class. By giving married couples $12,000 for children, we
will make the flat rate tax fair for the middle class.
We need strong middle and working classes
to counter the power of Wall Street. By creating our own currency and
making home ownership more affordable and getting control of our
retirement funds and savings in co-operative trusts, we will guarantee
that the Elite stop all this nonsensical talk of killing a few billion
of the common people.
Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making by David Rothkopf is available on Amazon.
Source: HiduthThanks to the THEEVENTCHRONICLE.COM