Monday, February 1, 2016

Preston James Update: "There is something terribly wrong with the United States Government"



There is something terribly wrong with the USG.

If you don’t already know, in this article you are going to learn what it is. America has been infiltrated and hijacked by a foreign based entity, the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate the Khazarian Mafia (KM), its main action-agent Israel and its espionage fronts. This group of soulless evil mass-murderers gained a foothold in America in 1913 when it bribed Congress and the President to get the Federal Reserve Act passed, which gave it the illegal, unConstitutional power to create all the money it wanted in order to bribe, buy and take control the USG and its various elected and appointed officials. This must be stopped and we must take America back from these RICO criminal hijackers.

America’s government in DC is infested with traitorous vermin. Those who control these vermin are even worse, if you can imagine that.
This massive infestation of parasites in DC has infected all of America, destroying the Rule of Law, rendering most USG agencies, Law Enforcement and its Courts of Law crooked, for the rich and connected special interests only.

This corruption has spread to all major urban areas turning them into crime and violence infested jungles run by gangs and soulless minions of evil and darkness. 

The corruption arising from this massive infestation inside the Beltway in DC has dragged us into illegal, unConstitutional pre-emptive, aggressive foreign wars resulting in millions of innocent civilians mass-murdered and displaced, and many thousands of American soldiers needlessly killed and horribly wounded, maimed and disabled. And all this hell on Earth created simply to put massive war profits into the pockets of the Banksters and their defense contractors and increase their illegitimate central authoritarian power.

Tesla The Race to Zero Point Free Energy (Video Documentary)

Tanaath Update - Religion, The Demiurge, and Gods

“Religion, the Demiurge, and Gods

by Tanaath on 01/28/16

Hello everyone, I’m back. I’ll be going back and forth between my usual residence and a place where I have no time to write and little to no internet access, which will slow down my posting schedule in the weeks when I’m not at home. But here’s the latest update.

Religion, The Demiurge, and Gods

The notion of religion is a foreign one to many denizens of a normal universe, since most beings automatically feel a connection to their Source and have no need for an intermediary or authority to control them or force them into the ‘right behaviour,’ ‘right beliefs,’ or moderate their connection with Source. Spirituality is one’s connection to one’s Source, the creator of all beings within a given universe. This is a connection that cannot be broken by force, only by choice. While some beings may prefer a more intensive relationship with Source, no being is lesser or greater than any other in terms of that connection. Just as there are no personifications of a Source within a universe, no being gets to dictate to other beings how they should form their connection to Source or what that connection should be like.

Religion, on the other hand, is a form of mind control. It’s an attempt to mediate one’s spiritual connection with one’s own Source through what someone else feels is ‘the right way to be spiritual’. Whether this is through a requirement for ritual, special behaviours, or a requirement to go through a specific person or group, it imposes a filter between a being and that being’s Source through someone else’s will. It interferes with the fundamental relationship between beings and their creator. In the worst case scenario, religion can be an outright attempt to trick beings into switching their soul connection from Source to another being, which may then further transfer that connection somewhere decidedly bad. This is the case with the religions of Earth, which have all been used as a tool to attempt to sever Terrans from our own Source and our own selves and instead feed our power into the apparatus of the universe destroyers.

Judge Anna Update - Regarding the Monetary System - February 1, 2016

On Feb 1, 2016, at 3:37 AM, Anna von Reitz <> wrote:


1)    A few years back I wrote a series of replies concerning the argument that “US citizens are not protected under the Constitution and Bill of Rights because they were not signatories to the documents” or similarly that “the documents only apply to Federal employees and to Washington DC and its territories only”.

My reply was that every American should SIGN these documents and notarize them and then file such with a County Clerk or other registered authority. This provides a clear statement of jurisdiction and the fact that one has decided to be under “Land Law” and not Admiralty Law. This would in essence negate any and all Federal or corporate law as being binding on that individual.

To date I have not found anyone who can confirm or negate this assertion or are even willing to respond.


The Declaration of Independence is the most important document of our Organic Law so far as the living people are concerned. The function of The Declaration of Independence is that of a Last Will and Testament made for the Future Generations of Mankind by the Testators–the Founding Fathers who in pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor made their bequest to all future generations of Americans, and it must be more fully appreciated, to all Mankind.

Intel/Rumors (GCR/RV) - February 1, 2016

The Admiral--who is actually a retired Nuclear Submarine Commander (not a Admiral)--is in fact the new US Republic Treasurer, and has final economic government sign off responsibilities triggering the release of the TRN/USN into public circulation along with new Republic President General Joseph Dunford.

We believe their shared procedural act starts the US Republic's portion of RV, which we understand has already occurred, and we are just now waiting upon final geopolitical announcements to be made--so the RV is not about US banks or the new Republic government performing per se.

Over 50 world banks on every continent are already using TRN/USN digital credits as of January 1, 2016.

Keep in mind, the Chinese tend to make major moves on repeating days such as 1/1 & 2/2. Tuesday is 2/2.

Private groups with relationships to specifically Asian Royal Families got contract rates as high as $10 USN for the VND & $20 USN for the IQD. These are good facts to know when and if you desire to negotiate higher redemption terms.

David Wilcock Update via Benjamin Fulford Blog - February 1, 2016 article of my own set to drop imminently. Got in fast this time!
David Wilcock

Benjamin Fulford Update - February 1, 2016

The Empire Strikes Out as Khazarian mafia fake Zika virus, negative interest rate offensives fail

Clearly the Khazarian mafia is running scared and running out of ammunition. The fact that the Khazarian mob controlled Bank of Japan was forced last week to resort to negative interest rates proves their fake fiat money is now worth less than nothing. The Federal Reserve Board will soon be forced to do the same thing. The more you put money in their banks, the more that money vanishes. More about that later.

The other thing that is clearly failing is their ability to create mass panic, fear and loathing, their traditional control tools. Their latest attempt, upgrading a relatively minor illness known as Zika virus into a baby head-shrinking pandemic is so totally fake, with nothing but computer graphics of small headed babies as evidence, that very few real doctors or hospitals are taking it seriously. Time to round up the criminal liars at the WHO.

The latest attempt to create disease panic may be related to efforts to force the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to cede control over their vaccination and other “medical” (eugenic) activities to meritocratic management.

BENY (RV/GCR) Update - February 1, 2016 via email......

Subject: SO WHAT'S NEXT?

Hello People of The World.

I have taken my time to patiently wait for things to happen as I was told. But Unfortunately is obvious that the elite's plans are behind schedule again or is it?? ?

Today's letter I will be very honest and straight to all you people. But before I give my explanation why we haven't seen the RV let me remind you a few things?

First of all, when I first came up given with my INTEL I was the very first one telling you the following?

That The Elite's plans were to do the RV by the middle of 2016 or end of 2016.

Many insult me for confirming my INTEL. And quite honest It doesn't bother me at all.

Then I said later on, that I was aware of a 2nd Group of Elite that were so interest to make this RV happen, it could actually help us to see an Early RV? but so far the 2nd Elite's is running out time and getting more problems in their hands.

So what's next?

Report from the New Republic for January 31, 2016

 First appeared on Operation Disclosure:

Before we may begin, I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

On behalf of the citizens of the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America,

It is our duty to inform you today that you are all no longer under the jurisdiction of the United States of America, Inc. You are all independent sovereign citizens under absolutely no type of governing corporate body and/or entity. It is now entirely up to you, We The People to take action against the illegal corporate entity that is the United States of America, Inc. The key to their demise is the loss of what fuels them the most -- greed. The New Republic will be standing by to restore the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America and commence mass arrests once the crimes of the United States of America, Inc. has been disclosed to the public.