Wednesday, July 13, 2016

VIP child sex abuse: 14 new corruption inquiries leveled against London police

 © Luke MacGregor
British police are alleged to have covered up cases of child sex abuse perpetrated by VIPs over a 40-year period. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has launched 14 new inquiries into Metropolitan Police conduct. 
The IPCC now has 45 investigations into alleged police cover-ups underway, all of which involve “prominent individuals” in British society.

They also share in common “allegations of corruption in the Metropolitan Police Service relating to child sex offences dating from the 1970s to the 2000s,” the IPCC said in a statement.

They all concern allegations of suppressing evidence, hindering or halting investigations, or covering up alleged offences because of the involvement of prominent individuals or police officers.

Obama Signs Executive Order Allowing Military To Fight US Citizens

First seen at The Event Chronicle Blog

Updated: It was pointed out to us that “the law of the use of force” is the language used when referring to international law. Thanks for pointing this out to us, Alex.

President Obama has signed an executive order that allows for the US military to use force against American citizens for the first time in history.

The order was signed on July 1st, 2016 and is titled “Executive Order — United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force“.

The order looks like the rules of engagement between the military vs ordinary US citizens have significantly and unconstitutionally changed. reports:

Executive Order — United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force


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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. United States policy on civilian casualties resulting from U.S. operations involving the use of force in armed conflict or in the exercise of the Nation’s inherent right of self-defense is based on our national interests, our values, and our legal obligations. As a Nation, we are steadfastly committed to complying with our obligations under the law of armed conflict, including those that address the protection of civilians, such as the fundamental principles of necessity, humanity, distinction, and proportionality.

NASA Accused of Cutting Live Feed Of Mysterious UFO

MIAMI (CBSMiami) — UFO spotters may have caught a UFO entering the Earth’s atmosphere before the NASA live feed from the International Space Station was cut and conspiracy theorists are having a ball, claiming it’s all part of a NASA cover-up.

In the video, posted on YouTube by UFO hunter Streetcap1, you can see what appears to be an object descending down to Earth and the feed stops just before the object can enter.

Some are saying the object spotted on July 9th may be the Chinese Space Station Tiangong-1 returning to Earth or it may simply be a meteor.

Newest Crop Circle - Germany - July 12, 2016

Corey Goode Audio Update on Fade to Black Radio - July 12, 2016

Ep. 488 FADE to BLACK w/ Corey Goode: True Disclosure 2 : LIVE

Intel Update - Russia Is Reportedly Set To Release Clinton's Intercepted Emails - July 13, 2016
Received via email....

What if Hillary's State Department emails show that Donald Trump is actually working with her to ensure the Clinton's another term in the White House come November?  

That leak alone would take down: Bill, Hillary, Donald, AG Loretta Lynch, FBI Director Comey... meaning they were all in on the scam, and thus all would have to go.

And what if the Clinton Foundation was the third party mastermind and funding source for all of this?

Is this why Bill maybe boarded AG Loretta Lynch's plane unannounced?  Or was the rendezvous completely pre-planned by both parties and they were secretly trailed by White Hat military, and ultimately exposed?

This would leave Bernie and Paul to run head to head in the general election.  Hey, didn't they both glowingly endorse despised political rivals on the exact same day yesterday?  And intent it fascinating how they both publicly did so right before a secrete but powerful financial event know as the Global Currency Reset was about to arrive?  

Seems odd timing doesn't it?   All of this center right and center left movement right now?  On the same day?   Or perhaps, both have known long ago about the legal and media hammer that will be dropped eventually on the ever scheming children of the cabal?  And maybe each candidate for President 2016 has patiently positioned themselves to absorb Hillary's and Donald's disenfranchised voting blocks right before their respective conventions?  

We shall see.  We shall see.  We shall.

Kevin Annett Update via Galactic Connection Website

Published on Jul 12, 2016

“Today, for the first time, a Canadian government insider has confirmed that a secret program has operated since the spring of 1998 to silence or eliminate witnesses to Indian residential school crimes, and to stop any real inquiry into those crimes.'
This latest whistle blower has confirmed what some of us have known from experience for many years.

The Greatest Discovery Never Seen — Part 1 - Humanity as a Supernova Event by GW Hardin

THE GREATEST DISCOVERY NEVER SEEN: Part 1 … Humanity as a Supernova Event

by GW Hardin

This year a scientific experiment out of Australia led to a scientific discovery of supernova proportions … that almost no one has heard of. However, <a href=“”> American Kabuki </a > reported this discovery while most of the planet turned a blind eye. The mainstream media should have plastered headlines proclaiming “A Scientific Revolution.” Yet, nothing.

What we have here once again is the arrival of Christopher Columbus’ ships upon the shores of the New World only to have the New World incapable of seeing the ships, save for the village shaman. Let this article serve as the village shaman so that the invisible might once again become visible.
We will explore this New World in four sections:

1. What’s All the Fuss? … the end of science as we know it … what it means to our world.

2. Biocentrism Conquers Physics … the Scientific Method was created by the blind.

3. There Is No Death & Taxes … reality is what we choose it to be — the Princeton discovery.

4. Dear and Glorious Humanity … throw NOT off your shackles … there are no shackles.

In a follow-up article, “Part 2 … The Invisible Revolution,” we will go deeper into the rabbit hole of why several top scientists are telling us that we are living in a simulation. The real factor,  however, is what we do about it. We are at the gates of a New Eden, the gates are wide open, so why haven’t we walked through them?

What’s All the Fuss?

Throughout its history, the phenomenon known as Observer Effect has been politely patted on the head by scientists as a nicely quaint little phenomenon, simply because it has never truly been understood. How can the mere observation of a photon or electron cause it to appear magically as a wave or a particle, and in some cases, both? In experiments, the “observer” is usually a measuring instrument. But if one is more than myopic, one ultimately has to take the significance of this effect to even cosmic levels. And in such cases, one has to ultimately ask, “Who is the ultimate observer?” Who is doing the measuring of galaxies?

Next U.N. chief ballots remain secret, despite televised debates

Ten of the 12 candidates vying to be the next United Nations Secretary-General took part in live televised debates on Tuesday, a first for the world body, but attempts to bring unprecedented transparency to the race will not extend to the Security Council selection process.

The 193-member U.N. General Assembly has sought to lift a veil of secrecy that has surrounded the election of the U.N. chief for the past 70 years by requiring public nominations and holding campaign-style town hall events with each candidate.

That transparency extended to two debates - with five candidates in each group - in the General Assembly on Tuesday, which was broadcast live around the world on the Al Jazeera television network and on the U.N. website.