Thanks to the Internet,
the World's New Gutenberg Press, the Ruling Cabal has now been
completely exposed to a select population of Internet users who are
aggressive truth-seekers.
The Internet is the World’s New Gutenberg Press.
Yes, the Internet, the World’s New Gutenberg Press, has now provided complete exposure of the secret agenda and crimes against humanity of the Ruling Cabal (*BT/RKM/COL).
And this exposure is diffusing and spreading to the masses by word of mouth despite major efforts by the Ruling Cabal to limit this.
8500 now run the World.
We now have numerous firsthand major disclosures from such individuals as Ronald Bernard. Ronald Bernard was a Dutch Banker who was offered the opportunity to move to the highest level and enter a group of the top 8500 power brokers who run the World. He has now gone public with his remarkable story.
The Internet’s publishing of Bernard’s story constitutes a major turning point, as did the massive leak of all the criminal DNC emails which showed that Bernie Sanders was cheated of the Democratic Nomination and which also exposed the deep criminal and pedophile underbelly of DC. And we now know that pedophile crimes are practiced by about 70% of DC politicians, both Democrat and Republican.
Ronald Bernard’s turning point away from this evil occurred when he refused a Satanic occult ritual sacrifice of a child which was necessary to become a member of the 8500. He made the choice to re-enter the human race and regain his soul, which he did. Although he was tortured for this and almost lost his life, he survived and decided to come forth and disclose what he learned about the Ruling Cabal.
Tower of Basel
At present this exposure has been limited to a select group of well-informed Internet users who are deeply interested in truth and justice.
But these stark realities published and broadcast on the Internet are now spreading and diffusing to the masses at a rapid rate, despite the coordinated efforts of the CIA’s near complete control over the six Major Mass Media.
The USG went for broke on Sandy Hook, and when it is fully revealed to have been a false-flag op on the 2nd Amendment with nobody dead, you will see much of the government and LE of the State of Connecticut deposed and perhaps many prosecuted for terrorism and fraud.
One does not need dead victims to prosecute for terrorism according to existing laws. And in addition, millions of USD were defrauded from the USG and caring members of the public to give to crisis actors at Sandy Hook.
Sandy Hook was a two-day DHS/FEMA “Capstone Drill” using highly paid professional (and soulless) crisis actors. This fake shooting was staged at Sandy Hook School, which was shut down years earlier in 2008 for asbestos contamination and used for storage.
Sandy Hook School did not meet any of the current legal requirements for handicapped use, nor was it even usable, with bare pipe sticking out in the lavatory and a generally poor state of repair inside and out.
Porta-potties were delivered the day before the official date of the fake shooting and pizza and bottled water were also pre-purchased and delivered. A script of the exercise written by a private Intel contractor has been recovered, and some State Police have told others it was phony but they are afraid to go public or they would lose their pensions or worse.
Actual crisis actors have been identified, folks with prior documented acting careers. One of these, a man dressed up as a swat team member, carried his rifle upside down and then has appeared as a parent who lost a child in another act of this sinister sick play designed to motivate the American people to give up their guns.
Professor Jim Fetzer edited a superb book called “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” which is now available on the Internet in the first black and white edition as a pdf for free. So far there have been over 10 million downloads, and the number is growing.
yet, despite these stark facts that Nobody Died at Sandy Hook and it was
a false-flag attack designed by former US Attorney General Eric Holder,
the CIA’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) continues to promote the
idea that 22 kids were killed by a young madman Adam Lanza, who never
existed at all.
Border patrol agent Brian Terry
The Cabal’s obsession with getting rid of guns is actually based on fear of the American masses. They remember what happened in France with the French Revolution when the peasants rose up.
They know that if the CMMM collapses, the masses become desperate and learn about all their child sacrifice rituals and crimes against humanity for profit, and their commitment to eliminate 90% of the human race, they will be hunted down and dealt with in quite severe terms.
As long as the CIA’s proprietary the six Major Mass Media remains viable and maintains its hold on the American mass mind, the Ruling Cabal can continue their unimaginably evil anti-human practices. However as their CMMM News Cartel, an illegal monopoly is eroded by the penetration of the Internet and the diffusion of Truth to the masses, complete exposure at some point ahead is a certainty.
And the Cabal knows this and has now instituted some very sophisticated A.I. driven countermeasures, which by the way are still failing. The Cabal has deployed the following:
1. Systematic
demonetization of the Internet designed to eliminate many of the
truther websites. Since the Cabal controls those paying the advertising
fees, this is an easy action to initiate.
2. Random cyber morphing and substitution of text to create weird spelling and grammar errors in order to confuse.
3. Coordinated efforts to obscure and eliminate searches for select word, terms, phrases in line with cabal policy.
Sophisticated Denial Of Service attacks and all kinds of cyber attacks
against web hosts’ computers and servers and truther’s computers.
5. Use of a
wide variety of limited hangout, misinformation and complete stooge
anti-truther websites and articles designed to keep the Internet user
Due to WWII, the Cold War, and the Cabal-created war on Terror, the USG has been able to use massive amounts of taxpayer money and massive fraudulent loans from the criminal Federal Reserve System to transform America into a massive secret Police State. This secret Police State maintains the veneer of “friendly fascism” (aka the “iron hand in the velvet glove” as described by GHWB).
Johannes “Mischa” Wolf (19 Jan 1923 – 9 Nov 2006) was head of East
Germany’s Ministry for State Security (commonly known as the Stasi), and
was the Stasi’s number two for 34 years, during most of the Cold War.
Thus DHS was set up as a cover-up mechanism and just another police state enterprise to extract more money from the taxpayers, while oppressing them when necessary.
Now there is a big mystery in what is going to happen next. This relates to who was really behind the French Revolution, as well as the American revolution. Such actions actually came from a sub-group inside the Cabal that always seems to assert itself at key times in history.
The power of the Cabal has seemed inviolate by those who have studied it deeply. However, it is not uni-dimensional; and throughout history a certain faction has always performed actions which have created major setbacks, at least temporarily, for its Globalist NWO Agenda of evil.
This certain faction has always been set up and secretly empowered to run counter to the majority Ruling Cabal membership, now about 8500 soulless creatures. This decision to secretly institute changes which will destroy most of the Ruling Cabal in the coming months like all other prior “setbacks” always come from the very top of the Hierarchy, the Superior General.
This strategic action to flush the Hierarchy mainstream which are actually functioning as high level Cutouts seems counter-intuitive and will certainly create massive confusion in the Hierarchy ranks as they are quickly deposed “like a rock rolling down a hill and gaining speed”.
The best place to learn about these periodic reversals of fortune for the Cabal for those interested, is by reading the book “Rulers of Evil” by Tupper Saussy (which has been a free pdf download on the Internet).
Right now this secret faction in the Cabal is orchestrating the downfall of the Cabal in order to bring in a new system.
To do this, they instituted the Internet (the New Gutenberg Press), made sure the DNC emails were leaked showing massive criminality and Cabal linkages, and also have created major exposure for the crooked Republican leaders with the same Cabal linkages.
This secret faction is making sure that Pedophilia is exposed and that numerous first-hand witnesses will come forth. This faction is also taking the CMMM apart at the seams bit by bit via the Internet.
The bottom line to all this is the top leadership of the Luciferian Cain System which rules the World by “Evil ruling over Evil” bears no true loyalty to its Hierarchy ranks (the BT/RKM/COL aka the Ruling Cabal).
Most of these Cutouts are Doofuses and tend to be strange appearing, odd folks upon examination – individuals chosen to play an unimaginably evil role because they are willing to forsake humanity for power, wealth and status and give up their very souls to attain such benefits.
As soon as these Cutouts are no longer needed or their displacement suits a higher Luciferian purpose, they enter a period of extreme risk for such. That time has now come and a major shift is now going to be made to bring in a new, much friendlier appearing (at least at first) Cosmic Fascism.
Despite all kinds of sophisticated psyops and other secretive methods to keep the American masses from knowing the truth, the Internet which is the New Gutenberg Press has elicited a growing, increasingly powerful emergent populism. President Trump captured that populism and rode it to become elected.
The Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), a CIA proprietary (through Cutouts, including a terrorist financing investment group in Switzerland that claims to be on the vanguard of investments), is losing business by the day. And more and more Americans just do not believe much of its stories anymore, most all of which are now known by Internet-related Truth-tellers to be big lies, false-narratives and Cabal propaganda.
Major truth has now been completely exposed on the Internet Truth websites that is diffusing across mainstream America, slowly but surely and cannot be stopped:
1- JFK was assassinated by a CIA Op40 USG executive action, fully authorized and supported by J. Edgar Hoover, the JCS, LBJ and the RKM Banksters. Oswald didn’t do it, and the full might and resources of the USG and Intel agencies has been used to cover it up ever since.
2- Despite the USG’s War on Drugs, the CIA and the DOD continue to be the world’s biggest illegal drug traffickers and have set up joint businesses with all the Cartels. They use this to advance the Cabal’s agenda to create massive chaos and death while raising many trillions of USD for Black operations.
3- The Ruling Cabal (BT/RKM/COL) ordered the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 using cutouts (PNACers, NeoCons, Dual Citizens, JCS, Administration, Northcom, USAF and the FAA). This was a false-flag attack designed to create the War on Terror and to justify a whole new age of illegal, unconstitutional preemptive wars against Mideast nations for Israel, a main Cutout and action-agent for the Rothschilds and the Babylonian Talmudists (BTs).
4- Sandy Hook was a two-day False-flag attack in which nobody died. It was planned for over two years in advance and designed as a major psyop to manipulate the American people to be willing to give up their Second Amendment rights. It failed in that because it increased gun sales tremendously. It did create major fear in parents, thus justifying a great deal more taxpayer money spent on police-state buildup and helped to break down trust between Americans, which helps destroy the glue that holds society together; this is a major goal of the Cabal. Many Americans are catching on to the fact that, although there have been MK-Ultra shooters deployed who have murdered and left real bodies, many of these false-flags, especially those in the UK and Europe lately, are fake, and use highly paid professional crisis actors and human-appearing planted dummies instead of real bodies.
5- The Ruling Cabal consists of about 8500 high level Satanists and pedophiles who engage in periodic child sacrifice. They run a large Hierarchy of Cutouts and underlings – about 70 are pedophiles, and all are human-compromised one way or another and manipulated to “toe the Cabal line”.
The big secret here is that almost all of the 8500 themselves are actually Cutouts too and soon will be displaced from power because, as the World enters a new transformation to Cosmic Fascism, they will no longer be needed, and their exposure will actually help the Superior General attain a higher order goal.
It is no coincidence that the USG has been corrupted at every level and filled with liars, psychopaths, war-mongers and mass-murderers. This has made most Americans hate their own government and become deeply motivated to see those staffing it booted out. This will motivate many to easily abandon their government for a new kinder, gentler one world government.
This new one-world government will be assembled in reaction to a failed US Petro Dollar and western economic system, and although it will seem beneficial at first, as its full essence is revealed, it will bring on a final battle between good and evil framed as a battle between Earth’s armies and a large Alien ET invading force. Some Christians believe this will be God Almighty coming to liberate Earth.
*BT/RKM/COL Babylonian Talmudists/Rothschild Khazarian Mafia/City of London financial District
Pink Floyd’s 1973 Classic, Money: