The burial place of a 1.5-year-old boy with a deformed elongated
skull was unearthed by archaeologists in Crimea. The scientists
immediately dubbed the finding an ‘alien’ due to the unusual structure
of the skull.
The remains were found near the village of Yakovenkovo in the eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula, says the Archaeology Fund, a group that organizes digs across Central Russia, Crimea and Northern Africa.
The grave of boy, which dates back to the second century, was a key finding of the recent expedition, according to anthropologists. The boy had an artificially lengthened skull, which is clearly seen in the pictures shared by the group.
The severe deformations of the skull immediately earned the site the name "alien's grave," the Archaeology Fund said.
Artificial cranial deformation, a form of body alteration, was practiced among many ancient cultures. It was typically carried out on infants, whose skulls were more flexible. However, some adherents of ‘ancient astronauts’ theories claim that the owners of such lengthened skulls may be human-extraterrestrial hybrids.
The archaeologists' group said that such skull deformations were typical for Sarmatians, who once inhabited modern-day Crimea. It is theorized that they may have used it to identify members of certain groups or bearers of a certain social status.
Archaeologists also unearthed a pottery vessel and small beads buried with the 'alien' and a copper bracelet on his right hand.
Several burial sites dating to the first-third centuries were also unearthed near where the scientists found the boy, as well as massive stone tombs believed to belong to high-ranking people from the Bosporan Kingdom, an ancient state located in eastern Crimea between the fifth century BC and fourth century AD.