Written by Dr Michael Salla on
Robert David Steele, a former official for both the CIA and US Marine Corps Intelligence, made global headlines when he was interviewed by Alex Jones on June 29, and said that according to his confidential sources, there are slave colonies on Mars using individuals who had been kidnapped from Earth as children. Steele pointed out that the children were taken to Mars via “a 20 year ride”, the purpose of which was to ensure they were adults who could be put to work upon arrival.
The idea of slave colonies on Mars was first discussed in Alternative 3, a “fiction based on fact” book authored by a former British journalist, Leslie Watkins, which was published in 1978. He had investigated the extraordinary claims that had been first presented in Alternative 3, an episode of a British television documentary series called Science Report, which aired on June 20, 1977.
The Alternative 3 television show described how the deterioration of global environmental conditions had led to the major powers, US and USSR, secretly collaborating behind the scenes to ensure survival of the human species. To this end, the US and USSR had secretly established colonies on Mars in the early 1970’s and were populating it by whatever means possible.
The show was declared to be a hoax intended for release on April Fool’s day, but many viewers thought otherwise. This included Watkins whose investigation uncovered more information that led him to writing the book, Alternative 3.
Watkins says that he met with a deep throat source called “Trojan” who supplied alleged documents revealing that the existence of Mars colonies was very real, and people were being secretly taken there, some by force and kidnapping.
obvious reasons, we cannot reveal the identity of Trojan. Nor can we
give any hint about his function or status in the operation. We are
completely satisfied, however, that his credentials are authentic and
that, in breaking his oath of silence, he is prompted by the most
honourable of motives. He stands in relation to the Alternative 3
conspiracy in much the same position as the anonymous informant ‘Deep
Throat’ occupied in the Watergate affair. [Kindle Locations 269-272].
Watkins described two categories of people being taken to Mars according to Trojan:
professionals, we have now established, have been classifying people
selected for the Alternative 3 operation into two categories: those who
are picked as individuals and those who merely form part of a ‘batch
consignment.’ There have been several ‘batch consignments’ and it is the
treatment meted out to most of these men and women which provides the
greatest cause for outrage. [Kindle Locations 300-303].
Watkins describes how people taken as part of a “batch consignment” to Mars become a pool of slave labor. He gave as an example a small group of 20 individuals who were forcibly taken there:
of the missing 20 were described as being ‘hippy types’ although there
were some older people among them. People of this calibre, we have now
discovered, have been what is known as ‘scientifically adjusted’ to fit
them for a new role as a slave species. Watkins, Leslie
(2015-12-14T22:58:59). ALTERNATIVE 3: The 1978 Cult Sci-Fi Classic
Republished with New Material (Kindle Locations 352-354].
In the foreword to the 2015 republished version of his book, Watkins’ son, Graham, provided statistics to help substantiate Watkins’ claim of kidnapped children being taken to Mars in large numbers:
2010, 692,941 people were reported missing in the USA alone – 531, 928
under the age of 18 and it must be realised that, if any were destined
for Mars, ‘catching ‘em young’ would make sense. The extra working years
they had ahead of them more than justified the costs of getting them in
the right condition. [Kindle Locations 49-52].
The next researcher to discuss a base on Mars that may have involved slave labor was William Cooper who had served on the intelligence briefing team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet from 1970 to 1973. He was given an honorable discharge in 1975, after a 14 year military career with both the US Air Force and Navy.