28th July 2017. Mike Quinsey.

They are aware that evolution comes much quicker as a result of overcoming the lower vibrations. However, those chosen were selected because of what they had to offer those needing help to break the hold of the lower energies. Without such help they may have floundered and lost the opportunity to rise up into the Light.
The time you are in is so close to Ascension, and many necessary changes are in hand in anticipation of the time shortly to come when the dark Ones will have been removed. They have already seen events turn against them and no longer have the power to dictate how they work out. They were planning for total world control from which position they would have severely reduced the world population. That aim is no longer possible and at this time they are being arrested and imprisoned. There is also much work taking place to clear their underground bases, until they no longer present a threat to the Human population.
Much has already been prepared in anticipation of the time when all matters can openly proceed without fear of interference. That time is not far away and at most is merely a few years, but likely to be less. (1) Already some changes of a minor nature are in hand and bigger ones are being planned well in advance. Once the threat of interference from the dark Ones is removed, all can openly proceed and at an unimaginable speed. You have waited far too long. but time has not been totally lost, but spent in preparation. The dark Ones will then have been moved to places where they have no influence or ability to change the outcome.
When you look around you there seems to be so much that needs attention or renewing, that it would appear to be an insurmountable task. However, with help from your Space Friends you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly things can change. They will have the advantage of much more experience than you and the use of advanced methods. The land and seas can be renewed and cleared of all that has no use in very short time. For obvious reasons your methods are primitive compared to ours, and they leave no residue that needs to be cleaned up afterwards.
In relatively short time all major changes will have taken place, enabling you to happily live in peace with much leisure time in which to follow your own pursuits. You will meet Beings from nearby planets, and they will take you into Space and through the Solar System to visit other planets. No more will you be confined to Earth and will be one with other Galactic Beings. They have been patiently waiting for you to come of age and be allowed to travel off-planet. So you see that eventually your lives will completely change for the better. In time your present experiences will seem just like a bad dream.
Your dreams will be fulfilled but in the meantime your thoughts must be focussed upon what you need to do to fully prepare yourselves for Ascension. Keep focussing on all that is positive and keep control of your thoughts and energy, and only give them out when it is necessary. You may for example like to help those who are sick or injured, and your loving thoughts and wishes in this connection would reach those concerned. Even better and more effective would be group healing as it carries more power. If you are new to the idea, consider that a meditation prior to sending it out would bring all into harmony and ready for it.
Even a kind thought sent to another soul carries a healing energy and lifts people up. So when you consciously wish someone to receive your blessing, it will go to them. Perhaps first and foremost is self-healing and to prepare yourself for it meditate on positive feelings or colours if you know how to use them. The main objective is to make sure your aura is close to the body and not open, and fill it with clear colours that have a vibration that you need. For example in the hustle and rush of everyday life you need to learn how to relax, and the colour green is recommended for that purpose.
When you progress as you will after Ascension, you will find that there are healing chambers that will completely cleanse your body and boost your energy levels. In fact with high vibrations you will not in fact be prone to illness and will enjoy perfect health. Meantime however, you may need healing, as on Earth you are continually being surrounded by all kinds of energy, but know that like attracts like. This applies in many respects and is why you attract similar souls to yourself, and obviously you feel more comfortable and at ease with them. Naturally it also works the other way around when you can feel uncomfortable when you meet totally opposite energies to your own.
Your Solar System continues to enter the higher vibrations and they are being carefully monitored by the Blue Avians who are present to ensure your progress is not interfered with and that they do not overwhelm you. In such an event people would feel agitated and uncomfortable, whereas given a gradual introduction to them they will adjust accordingly. The Blue Avians are in your Solar System in great numbers enabling them to stop any intruders probing the Earth. They are also ensuring that the dark Ones do not escape justice for all of their crimes against Humanity.
You have an excellent web that has so many links that you can follow up on almost any subject that interests you. There are also many souls who write up on matters concerning the future events that will affect you. If you are reading this and do not have access to the web, books are available on most subjects, and of course talks are given in most localities. So hopefully you will find some link that you can use to further your interests.
Keep your heads up and do not feel downhearted as we know you have had many disappointments of late, but know that behind the scenes so much that is positive is happening. Your Press is restricted on what it can reveal to you which is why you read little about the wondrous and astounding finds in the Antartica. They should be on the top of the list for news, but be assured you will learn of their finds eventually.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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First seen at .... http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/07/28/mike-quinseys-higher-self-message-july-28-2017/