INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Cabal Scam" 7/17/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Tuesday, 18-Jul-2017 00:21:20
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Tuesday, 18-Jul-2017 00:21:20

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Cabal Scam" 7/17/17
Subject: Cabal Scam 7/17/17
Obama is a Vatican agent and loyal to the Bush Nazis.
Obama voided the phoney constitution "OF"...THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC...but the organic constitution of George Washington "FOR"...The United States remains.
All court systems nationwide have been under secret investigations for the last few years.
Corrupt judges are being exposed in many states and being arrested.
The 'Direct Treasury Accounts' are a cabal scam.
The 'universal routing number'...#051736158...and your 'social security number'...identifies you and allow the rats to steal your money.
Stay away from DTA's until we straighten this mess up.
Special Operations troops and militaries are preparing for a short war in early 2018 with North Korea who has been getting nuclear material from the Israeli Khazarian Mafia.
Many of the Nazis and elites who escaped Germany after WW2 went to North Korea.
Japan is preparing to stop any of those trying to sneak into their country.
There is a network of gold mines in South Africa...Antarctic bases...hidden submarine bases...and global narcotics shippers who will be taken out.
This will not be a traditional country to country war.
It is an operation to force the cabal rats to the top of the manure pile and exterminate them.
This might very well be the end of the long program against these vermin that began in 1979.
Trump is doing what he can against the rat packs in both parties and paving the way for the announcement of the restored Republic of 1776.
The 'Treaty of Verona'...'The Monroe Doctrine'...and 'The Federal Reserve Act' were all tyrannies against the self rule of free peoples by the Psychopathic Monarchs and Pseudo Elites of the past 150+ years.
These edicts and the totalitarian behavior of the Vatican Draco Reptilians have contributed to massive wars and death during those 150 years.
The Vatican should be cleaned out and turned into a museum of learning for all the world to visit and learn the truth about their treachery and malice towards WE THE PEOPLE.