August 2, 2017
I remember the first time in this incarnation I had a several-minute experience of feeling Unconditional Love. Not just love as we humans define it but the kind of Love that is All (and awe) Encompassing. It was around 2006/2007 and I was in my car, sitting in the parking lot, waiting for my mate to get off from work. I was watching the cars go by, my mind, quiet. Something within me began to imagine the stories of the people driving by. Where were they going? Were they going home and if so, was their home life happy, fulfilling?
My inner world then expanded as I began to wonder about our world leaders, in particular the current administration at the time of the United States. I observed them making decisions, those that lead to war and destruction. I tuned in to understand what was driving those decisions. What I saw and felt created a shift within. I could feel that, while their actions were indeed heartless and often malicious, they literally had NO MEMORY of who they really were. None. They were completely lost, unable to hear much less feel the energies of their Higher Selves.
Next thing I know, I am weeping, sending them energies of Love that was so powerful ~ my human brain could only observe in stunned silence. I remember thinking and knowing “this is how we are ALL designed to Be and one day you will return to this State in this body”. It was such an overwhelmingly wonderful, beautiful experience, I literally BEGGED to stay in that state. The energy grew until I felt I was going to burst open, my human body literally disintegrating to allow for the Light within to Shine to its Fullest. Moments later, the feeling disappeared. It was as though someone snapped off the light in the room and I was left, in a daze, to the thoughts now rushing through my mind.
I wondered how on earth would it be possible to carry these energies 24/7. Seriously – how could this be possible in a body? That energy thing I felt was HUGE. I thought I was literally going to burst apart. The question makes me smile today and I feel a lot of tenderness for the person I was then. What I was really seeking was how could my body handle such a state of Being continuously? What was the process for obtaining and maintaining this State?
Unaware of Ascension at the time and that entire experience/journey, I was not aware that awakening and returning to this State was a process, assisted by not just my own Intentions but by the Assistance of Source, Higher Selves and Cosmic Energies.
Since that date, I have had numerous such experiences, two very recently. I now know and feel I have more ability to hold this state as well as more “room” within this body to hold the energies. Perhaps a good analogy is when we over-load a circuit. Such an object can only withhold as much energy as it is designed to hold. The beauty here is that our physical beings are changing structure to allow for us to hold those states of energy for longer periods of “time”.
And it isn’t just my physical body making changes to make this process the way of Being but it is my intention to release that which is essentially taking up space, keeping me in the state of separation and forgetfulness. Those memories and experiences and their accompanying emotions, certainly those that are not useful in the Remembering journey but are rather more like old dusty cobwebs that need a Love Clean to shine again. Cosmic energies incoming are greatly assisting us in this process.
I can see all of this in my mind’s eye just now as I read the previous words again. When I am lost in the separation and forgetfulness, a part of me within literally snaps a finger, says “hey over here – REMEMBER”. A nice trick, eh?
Today I return to that first experience I had over a decade ago. Earlier today I was reading an online discussion on forgiveness, aimed at those who have kept us enslaved in this financial fraud. Why waste energy wanting them punished? What is it we really want here – FREEDOM. Pointing fingers and the like, if we make that our focus, will keep us disconnected from Source. Now this is not to say being our Source Selves says we are a doormat. Of course not. Our Energy Bodies tell us when something is not OK. We are to listen to these experiences and respond accordingly. Incoming energies are already weakening the power of others who have played their power-over games ~ as well as those of us who have participated in the power-under games. Supportive energies are going to leave those who have participated in the most destructive ways with the option ~ heal and ascend or you will vibrate naturally to a realm of your choosing which will allow you to continue your ways until you see, feel and know different. That is my perception.
I pause as I feel I was given that moment so long ago to remind me today that truly being Free includes being Free of Judgment. It is liberating. If I can find forgiveness, if I can find Love for those who have perpetuated the most destructive of behaviors, well then I have nothing but Hope we can all find it within ourselves as well ~ for us and for all.
How powerful this will be when we can look into the eyes of one, including ourselves, who is detached from Source Energy and say with Strength and Absolute Knowing: “You have forgotten who you really are. I see you. You are Love. You really do not want to participate in this, do you?”
Such an interaction with others and most importantly, with ourselves, can and will create experiences of healing and beauty for all. And ultimately, Freedom.