Surprised to see this headline at the popular alt-media website Breitbart.Com. Famed journalist Mike Cernovich says that President Trump is being held under "House Arrest" and a White House Coup is taking place. This is interesting since we hear a lot of a forced Trump "resignation" talk coming from Yosef and his sources. If a change over in presidency is a real event that is coming soon, then those who are not aware of the details of the plan may view the situation as what Mike Cernovich is suggesting which is a White House Coup that is underway. So what do you think is happening?
Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow spoke to journalist Mike Cernovich on Breitbart News Daily this morning discussing the Trump presidency, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s influence, and the possibility of President Trump being held under “house arrest.”

“Exactly, so I’d heard from people that Trump is on house arrest,” replied Mike Cernovich, “I thought ‘oh c’mon, the President of the United States, that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard’, but I kept digging into it and I kept hearing the same thing over and over again and then, of course, John Bolton wrote his column for National Review and he’s begging people to retweet it, he said ‘this is the only way the President is gonna see it,’ and I’ll say Alex, I don’t really understand, how can Trump not see who he wants to see? This is something I don’t really fully comprehend within the White House. I have talked to a lot of people, it’s a very weird situation.”
Marlow agreed, “it is a very weird situation, and this is something that I’m afraid is systemic of something that’s happening inside, people that listen to the show know that I’m not a huge ‘Javanka’ fan,” referencing Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, “and I’m just seeing the numbers here Mike and the people inside the White House, you’ve got Kushner, you’ve got Ivanka Trump, Gary Cohn, Dinah Powell, H.R. McMaster, who I know you were really the first person to call him out as a big threat to the MAGA agenda. And it’s just overwhelming and now with no Bannon and with no Gorka, just where is the President getting information that can tie him, connect him to his own base?”
“I heard [John] Kelly had taken his [Trump’s] phone, so he wouldn’t be getting messages on his phone which again I thought was a weird story when people were telling me that I said, ‘come on, get out of here you can’t take the President’s phone this is incomprehensible’ but again that Bolton thing confirmed it and I’m not a big John Bolton fan personally, I don’t have anything against him but I found it amazing that he was, again, begging for retweets saying ‘the only way the President is gonna see my article is maybe if it goes viral,’ because it has to get past General Kelly, that shows there is some kind of coup going on there.”
“Coup is a strong word,” said Marlow, “but it’s very hard to argue against it at this point.”
Marlow then mentioned his fears about Trump’s distance from his voting base and his refusal to appear on talk radio. Marlow stated that he worries that Trump doesn’t talk to people that understand or remember what the base voted for when they cast their ballot for Trump in November. Cernovich commented on Trump’s interview with Maggie Habermann for the New York Times but his failure to talk to the likes of Breitbart News, the Daily Caller or calling into the likes of Rush Limbaugh and other talk radio hosts.
Later in the interiew, Marlow asked, “Mike give us your thoughts on the threat to the America First Agenda coming from the media.”
“Yeah, the media is running public relations for the left,” stated Cernovich, pointing out that donations to the DNC are down considerably. He continued to describe that this showed that people have lost support within the DNC and that many no longer trust the media.
Marlow then went on to question Cernovich about his claims that White House staffer Ben Rhodes was essentially running the National Security Council. Cernovich replied with a claim that Rhodes was colluding H.R. McMaster to leak sensitive information from within the White House. According to Cernovich, “Ben Rhodes’ people leak all the information out to Rhodes and his intermediaries, McMaster looks the other way and that’s part of the coup.”
Marlow and Cernovich also discussed the “Trump Tax”, which was mentioned in the first part of Cernovich’s dispatches, which refers to the price that people pay for supporting Trump both privately and in the media. A source told Cernovich, “After what they did to Thiel, who is willing to pay the Trump tax?”
Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at