Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and in this episode, we'll bring you another round with our special guest, David Adair, a man who actually was able to walk around in Area 51.
David, thanks for being back.
David Adair: So glad to be here.
Wilcock: You're describing this thing that looks like you've just rolled into the scene of a horror movie.
Adair: Ha. Could be.
Wilcock: You've got some alien creature, if you will, with bones around it, and it's gigantic. You didn't have any fear as this is all happening to you.

Adair: Yeah, you're the first person that ever asked me that question. No, I was having fun.
This . . . The only thing I was scared of is Rudolph, you know? That human down there is dangerous, you know?
No, this thing was just . . . I was just mesmerized, you know, because every time I see something, I've got about 50 questions behind that.
And when the thing started interacting, you know, shadows and stuff like that, I thought, “Man, what is going on with this thing?”
So I turned around and asked Rudolph, “Can I climb up on top?” Because the bone work like lattice work. It's like a rib cage casting down on each end and then meeting in the center. The ribbing would kind of interlace, so it's protecting the big structure underneath.
Wilcock: So you could climb it like a ladder?
Adair: Well, you could. It's just . . . Think of a big skeleton of a dinosaur. You can crawl up that thing. So because it had angles and horizontals, and perpendiculars, so you're got ways of climbing up on it.
So I looked at Rudolph, [and I] said, “Can I climb up on this thing?” And he said, . . . First thing you hear all the Air Force people, “No!”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
Wilcock: Ha, ha.
Adair: And I actually said thanks to him – about the only time I ever really thanked him.