Updated: Live Stream Promo Video: Live Stream Presentation starts August 30th at 3:33 P.M.

I will be doing a live stream via Twitch which is a video streaming website that will be much less inclined towards censorship than YouTube. YT is great for most things but for me personally I would like to see this work not covered up through this copyright Armageddon that has been going on.

I will be doing a live stream via Twitch which is a video streaming website that will be much less inclined towards censorship than YouTube. YT is great for most things but for me personally I would like to see this work not covered up through this copyright Armageddon that has been going on.
The stream will be on Wednesday August 30th at 3:33 P.M. in Arizona time. For your time please visit the link below:
I have attempted to embed the channel player here and it works in my preview window but not when the article is published which I don’t understand. I will leave the direct link to the channel below. Hope you see you all there! =]