First of all, let us all find time on this upcoming Tuesday the 29th to send thoughts and visions of freedom and love and truth and ease as Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Beane are both having hearings on this date. If you need more information on who they are, please check out this site fmi.
In a nutshell they are essentially being kidnapped by the STATE, which is no more in its corruption and fraud as UCC paperwork was filed almost 5 years ago ~ paperwork that went unchallenged. This is really about you and I accessing prosperity and freedom in the form of accounts which are in OUR names and OUR government issued ID numbers. Obviously this is about more than just money but it is the first step to regaining our full Power and Freedom.
The chance for total transparency is surrounding these cases and so just like the eclipse meditations, that were powerful and effective, I call upon each of you to participate in another meditation practice. Even if you aren’t following this story or don’t believe it or aren’t interested in it, it is important to spend time on that day intending freedom and truth and love and abundance.
I am going to take this one step further, something I was also guided to do today.
It is now time to begin the daily practice on focusing on what we want.Individually AND collectively. NOW is the time to employ this practice and make it priority and goal number one. I received this feeling so strongly today and yet so quietly too. I know that Highest Self energy – it is very powerful in its quiet.
Right after I received that guidance, I thought how much of our time is still spent on the matrix fear programs. Most of us spend much of our time focused on money and health and time. This needs fixing or tending to. How will I accomplish or afford that. How can I take care of that. Oh I gotta go do this how will I work that in.
Never-ending streaming thoughts of worry about the future. I clearly see this now. I actually had a quick visual of what this sends to the overall matrix grid system. Quite simply, it gives it power and keeps it going ~ even as it is weakening greatly. Such a system can still limp along even with just a couple of bum legs.
I recently read where we can bring down the whole control system in a nano-second. The words have stayed with me. Originally I thought “impossible” to the term “nano second” ~ the part of me that is lazy, hooked into the lazy programming of “too hard, too difficult, impossible”. But I also felt the quiet, more powerful part of me know how true this is.
So let’s do it!
We can END this ~ detached from the matrix ~ and bring the grid down that much faster by not participating in it with the very fear-based thoughts IT created.
Let us work our way out of it and bring it down by spending time throughout the day every day – every single day – to form new thoughts. We all know what we want.
Please let us make that our focus beginning now.One of the biggest reasons I feel the energies of the eclipse were so powerful was because GLOBALLY mass numbers of us were focused on the magic of the experience. It wasn’t just the galactic cosmos sending these frequencies. It was also US – focused AWAY from the fear-based programs of our daily lives – that super-charged this experience. I feel one of the reasons I am still in my area is because I was able to have this experience of being around tens of thousands of others celebrating the 100% path of totality moment ~ feeling that experience ~ learning from it, getting a new awakened thought and sharing it.
We can have these experiences every day.
Just like I shared what I was intending the week of the eclipse, here is what I will be intending for self and humanity. Obviously feel free to add your own/do your own. What is important, again what I so strongly feel is so very important, is to begin doing this daily. Upon waking. Middle of the day. Upon going to sleep. Or whatever works for you obviously. And here’s a little practice I have begun doing ~ if I don’t feel tuned in or am struggling to “feel” the energies I am seeking, I ask for and intend a signal boost. Give it a try and see what happens.
Much love gods and goddesses! ♥
- Truth is seen for all with ease NOW.
- Abundance and prosperity are returned to ALL with ease NOW.
- All monies held from us are returned to ALL with ease NOW.
- ALL technologies being held from us that will remove all obstacles to healing and living in total freedom are released to ALL with ease NOW.
- Freedom is returned to ALL with ease NOW.
- We call upon Source Energy to remove ALL energies of Separation and Fear for ALL with ease NOW.