Analysis of New Nazca Mummies Alberto, Josefina, and Wawita
New Info
It has been three weeks since my last article on the anomalous mummies in Peru. Since then, Gaia has continued their research coverage with two updates (update 4 and 5) and an English subtitled video of a July 11 press conference held in Lima, Peru. These videos touched upon some of the issues I brought up regarding the larger mummy, Maria, and the smaller headless body, Victoria. They also disclosed two additional small bodies similar to Victoria, and what appears to be a baby of the same species as Maria.Still Reserved About Smaller Bodies
In my previous article, I pointed out aspects of the smaller body, Victoria, which led me to cautiously doubt that it was ever a living being. Update 4 introduced two additional small bodies, which were given the names Alberto and Josefina. The new information presented has not eased my doubts.Arms
These two new smaller bodies are very similar, and I will focus my attention on Josefina. She has attracted a lot of interest because of the bulging lower abdomen, which x-rays have shown contain three egg-shaped objects. There is also an anomalous metal plate over the chest. With the current lack of available information at this early stage of research, I feel I would only be able to blindly speculate on the eggs and metal plate. I would like to avoid doing so, and instead focus on other aspects which I feel I can analyze, like Josefina’s upper arm bones (humeri). Before examining them, acquaint yourself to human humeri. Notice the bilateral symmetry (one humerus is a mirror reflection of the other) which is common to vertebrates.
source cropped
Now, let’s look at an x-ray of Josefina. You will notice that one humerus is narrow and ends abruptly as if it were broken to a desired length. The other humerus has a natural flare near the elbow. Josefina lacks the bilateral symmetry which would be expected if it were once a living being.

source compilation of images from Gaia with additional text and graphics
I had previously made note of Victoria’s problematic lack of radius and ulna bones in the forearms and tibia and fibula bones in the lower legs. Five days later, in update 4, I saw that this was also noted by musculoskeletal radiologist M.K. Jesse. Several people have claimed that this is a reptile trait. I would like to clarify that it is not a reptile trait — reptiles, along with other four-limbed vertebrates (tetrapods), also have two bones in the forelimbs, as can be seen in the following picture comparing Josefina with a reptile, the Gharial.

source of Josefina from Gaia with additional text and graphics
Josefina’s pelvis (hips) and femurs (upper legs) are just as unusual as her arms. In other tetrapods (humans, lizards, frogs, birds, dinosaurs. etc.), the ball-shaped head of the femur meets the the socket-shaped acetabulum of the pelvis. This ball-and-socket joint provides the necessary range of motion for the survival of these animals.
Josefina has a pelvis and femurs which do not resemble those of other tetrapods. Instead her femurs lack typical femoral heads and look more like humeri which belong in upper arms. The tops of Josefina’s femurs appear to ride along the edge of plate-like structures in the pelvis. This does not seem like it would be functional.

source of Josefina from Gaia with additional text and graphics
The previous smaller body, Victoria, did not have a head so this is our first time to examine this part of their anatomy. The x-ray reveals three large unnatural-looking holes for the eyes and mouth which oddly resembles a ski mask. Natalia Zaloznaja, MD PhD, in Gaia’s update 4 shared that the head has no mandibular joint and would be unable to chew. To me, it appears that three holes might have been carved into a skull and additional bones were added to simulate a mouth in the lowermost hole.
source of head image and side x-ray image from Gaia; source of front x-ray image from Gaia; with additional text and graphics
An Unexpectedly Adorable Baby
I was surprised with Gaia’s update 5 and the new baby mummy which was given the name Wawita. I had never imagined that seeing what looks like a baby alien would create such a strong urge within me to protect and care for it. Wawita is absolutely adorable and I feel sad that it has passed away. Some have claimed that the similar appearing mummy, Maria is somehow a hoax — a claim which based on available evidence, I disagree with. That claim will go up in smoke if Wawita is proven to share Maria’s DNA and features of an enlarged cranium, enlarged eye sockets, non-human vertebrae and rib counts, and being tridactyl (having three-fingered hands and three-toed feet). Two individuals like Maria and Wawita who share all of that are not part of a hoax — they are part of a newly discovered species.
Ridicule, Ignorance, and the Most Important Discovery in History
The response to potentially the biggest discovery in human history has been shameful. Most mainstream media has completely ignored the mummies. Others have spent their time making silly claims about the mummies completely independent of facts. Some have ignored the mummies as much as possible and instead focused on the cost of a Gaia membership, or the few times in the course of a very long career that award-winning investigative journalist, Jaime Mussan had been in error. These articles and comments left on various social media sites perfectly match documented methods of running a disinformation campaign. What is appalling is that Gaia and the research team are being accused of manufacturing hoaxes and dragging out the process of reporting them in order to earn as much money as possible (see disinfo tactic rule #7: question motives). This is ridiculous as they have done their best to get others including the Peruvian Ministry of Culture to participate in the investigation. That doesn’t sound like Gaia and their team are hoarding information for personal gain to me.I reemphasize that these bodies may lead to the most important discovery ever — that we humans are not alone. It is my opinion that by investigating and doing their best to protect the bodies while all others purposely ridicule and ignore them; Gaia, the researchers, and Peruvian’s working for truth are doing a great service to humanity under very unfavorable circumstances. They are heroes.