"Looming" - GCR/RV OP-Ed - Saturday - August 5, 2017
I have this sinking feeling that late tonight's the night, and/or tomorrow's the day.
I know in my heart of hearts the RV is looming above us all like a violent storm front holding back its thunder, lightning and rain until our guard is completely down.
So many have lost hope. So few remained for the general admission seating strategy soon to flood these redemption centers.
Holding onto belief can be a real bitch!
Yet, for those who stayed--less than 10,000 worldwide follow the RV on a daily basis--the blessing of all blessings awaits.
We shall get the honor of cutting an invisible ribbon. How victorious and life affirming this will feel. Well played Zimlandia!
Yet, a second storm looms behind your redemption appointment. Humanitarian servitude. A lifetime spent in service to others. A fellowship of infinite wealth destined to be disbursed as perpetual mercy--that's quite a thing to experience let alone work with on a daily basis.
And yet, this is the business we have chosen... and chose us.
There's a pit in my stomach today I just can't shake, and it has been there since Mueller impaneled the grand jury in D.C.. yesterday.
He waited till the last second.
So did the decorators in the White House this weekend putting up Paul Ryan's wife's choice of curtains in the personal quarters.
Then today, Vice President Mike Pence's emails were finally submitted to a Indiana investigator about his involvement in "shady dealings"--just like Nixon's Vice President Spiro Agnew, who was quietly resigned before Nixon was forced to resign.
IMHO, the NPTB are not hiding the "Trump Dump" anymore. Which begs the question, is this the flash bang for the RV? The massive global distraction meant to absorb our attention for two solid months while the world is flooded with money?
Survey says... yup.
The pit in my stomach grows larger with each passing hour this afternoon, as brick by brick they build a case in the media against poor old Trump, who was dead on arrival at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue back in January.
I still wonder why the NPTB gave Trump six plus months to disrupt the country so badly?
Shame is the only answer.
The Chinese and Russians wanted America brought down a few pegs after seventy plus years of military and political sin that caused so much pain to a helpless world community.
Trump hurt. Domestically and internationally. Embarrassing. Ouch.
And as this pit in my stomach growls with nerves about what may come later tonight, just know I'm excited about the RV and your mission beginning.
However, mine is competing.
Yosef was here to keep those who desired to heal the soul of the world awake--or the opposite of a distraction--hence some of the difficult truths discussed about Trump and other tough topics.
All was designed to keep your attention.
Think about it, if a tree falls in the forrest does it make a sound if a human ear isn't around to hear it?
Or does said tree free fall in silence, it's vibration felt, but never understood as significant because nobody was around to recognize its grace?
I did my very best to keep everyone awake when the RV tree was to fall. Now I'm yelling timberrrrrr!
Are you close enough to hear it or just far enough away to ignore it's soft breeze?
I pray close enough to receive the blessing and make a difference in other lives. But I have accept few would stick around to be in this unique club, or worse, gave up on Christ to deliver His promise to humanity.
Look, nobody really knew the date of the RV, and nobody really knows what's going to happen once the T4 release commences, but the entire world knows it's coming and won't/can't say a damn word about it.
Talk about ironic.
Tonight may be the best of times, the worst of times, but heaven and earth will unite at some point soon and we're lucky to be alive to witness the marriage.
That's benevolently loving any way you slice such an unconditional cake.
Think transition not transaction and you'll be fine. And surrender early and often to receive necessary divine guidance regarding the money. I'll do the same.
In advance, thank you for your service. It's been as memorable a ride as it has been forgettable. I guess blessings really do equal burdens. Sobeit.
See everyone who's "in the club" tonight at 8pm EDT on the "The Clarion Calls."
God is with us.

The Clarion Calls
"Human Angels Healing the Soul of the World"
WEBSITE: www.theclarioncalls.wixsite.com/yosef
Show #5
Topic: Church Bank; Humanitarian Homepage
Hosts: Yosef, Showme
Date: August 5, 2017
Day: Saturday
Time: 5:00pm PST / 6:00pm MST /
7:00pm CST / 8:00pm EST
Dial-in Number: (641) 715-0863
Access Code: 871220#
Dial-in Number: 641-715-0867
Access Code: 264858#