David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode.
And in this episode, we're getting into a long-awaited update about several key issues that are happening right now.
So, Corey, welcome to the show.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: So, Corey, we've described how the Anshar have been worried about our future. And a lot of this concern seems to have coordinated with the timing of this eclipse.
What were you told about the eclipse exactly from the Anshar and how it relates to what's going on now?
Corey: The eclipse was an energetic alignment that was going to enhance our co-creative consciousness' ability to make thoughts into real things, supposedly.
What she said was that a . . . and this was in concurrence with what Tier-Eir had stated about doing mass meditations. We had gotten together with a few other people and put together a mass meditation on the day of the eclipse, and the Anshar were very happy about that.
And they stated that they were going to participate in it as well, and that a lot of the contact that people were going to receive was going to be initiated then. But it was very interesting.
During the eclipse, I was standing out looking through a filter at the eclipse. And everyone was meditating and putting out good intent.
And I was in the middle of doing that when, through the filter, I saw a little flash to the bottom left of the Sun.
And I was just about to say something about it when the lady next to me came up excited and showed me her phone.
“Look what I got! Look what I got!”
And just in the exact spot I saw the flash was a triangular craft. And we caught it . . . We got a photo of it.
David: Very cool.

Corey: And it was very interesting that that occurred during the time when I was putting out intent for humanity to receive assistance.

David: Now you brushed on something very briefly that I think we need to cover more, and that is this concept of contact.
What was the nature of this contact you were informed about by the Anshar that would be happening, or that they were trying to make happen?
Corey: Well, they stated that contact in the beginning would start out with people having dreams.
David: What contact would take place?
Corey: Contact between the Anshar and people on the planet.