I’m going to put on the opinion hat for this one. After seeing this surge recently of people talking about how the storms and earthquakes and wildfires were meant to cause destruction and suffering so we will continue to learn and then last night listening to a video where the person claims when all of this is over we will THANK the cabal for their technologies that caused so much destruction because we needed to have the experience that resulted from their lies and technology because it helps us grow.
Pass me the vomit bag please and then the punching bag.
Yes, I know ~ such anger and words I am expressing are not spiritually-inclined. According to some. I’m supposed to be all love and light right now, in all ways at all times, correct?
I guess that depends on how you define love.
I feel I am coming to this conclusion that as we continue to morph, ascend, change ~ we will all be vibing into our own realities. I heard it explained the other night it’s like a radio station. Whatever “station” we resonate with, vibrate to, that’s where we will Be.
(For eons we have been stuck on one station – now the bandwidth is about to explode wide open again! Yippie!!)
Those who believe in the concept that one must experience devastation and destruction and trauma and abuse in order to know love will continue on with that journey into their own reality. Those who believe ~ no – those who KNOW we are love and certainly do not need to experience the previous ~ who want the hell out of this prison enslavement system ~ we will be going to our own reality as well.
Yes, I hear the separation is ending. I agree. However, given we are One but obviously not the same, people are not going to be on the same page… and that’s ok. People are going to be experiencing TRUE freedom resulting FROM the end of this separation game (simulated matrix system) to live and be as they choose. I personally continue to remove beliefs. Rules. Expectations. Instead I am keeping my desires simple. I want to be free to live as I feeeeeeel in my heart while respecting other’s right to live the same.
It is that simple. For me anyway.
I absolutely will not embrace any concept that says people must be abused, children must be kidnapped and sexually assaulted for their Soul to grow and learn. NONSENSE.
And I wish for these otherwise well-meaning folks would stop spreading these thoughts. They are creating fear, spreading dogma, completely discounting people’s experiences (you aren’t a victim of anything and you need to forgive your abuser because you agreed to contract with this individual to learn or whatever dogma they follow) and the people’s need to heal and lowering vibrational frequencies of Gaia. It serves no purpose. Using their line of thinking, if we really do contract with such individuals in order to learn and grow, then we really shouldn’t interfere with these situations of abuse if we witness them or know of them, right? We should just let it all play out – the one doing the abusing and the one being abused. They have a contract after all and need to learn a lesson (especially the one being harmed). Regardless of whether the individual is a small child.
See how insane such thinking is?
Dogma is dogma. Programming to keep us living low and dimly instead of high and bright. Such dogma as mentioned above is no different than the guilt-inducing, finger-pointing dogma found in the bible and inside church walls. Doesn’t matter if it’s coming from a Buddhist Temple or a Sufi Circle. Dogma is dogma. And if it doesn’t resonate from the purity of Love and Kindness, I am not having it.
I for one am done with all that does not resonate with loving kindness.
I take the return of ME and my Freedom and ALL THAT I AM back again. The way I once was.
The way I know we all once were.