October 30, 2017
Just in case you didn't hear the updates about the new developments in the JFK document dump, I have posted a few that discuss some shocking information that conspiracy theorists have been talking about for decades. After the disappointment of the initial release of the JFK documents, in which over 200 documents remained held back by Trump due to "National Security" reasons, Trump and his puppet masters finally released them. We find that multiple shooters were reported in the Surgeon Generals report of the assassination of Kennedy, that the CIA planned a false flag attack on US citizens in Miami, FL in order to blame it on Cuba and start war, and much more data to further collaborate that the conspiracies surrounding the JFK assassination are in reality factual. Will there be main stream media coverage about any of this?
Trump Confirms "All JFK Files Are Released" After Latest Clash With Spy Agencies
Update: Following Friday's disappointing release of some, but not all, remaining files related to the death of President John F. Kennedy, President Trump just confirmed, via tweet, that the rest of the files are released, well ahead of schedule...
Of course, given that this is the government - and the government does not work weekends - the files are unlikely to be released on to the official National Archives site until Monday.
This appears to be a victory for Trump in his never-ending battle with the intelligence agencies.
Source Link: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-28/trump-release-all-jfk-files-after-latest-clash-spy-agencies
The One Paragraph You Need to Read from the JFK Assassination Files that May Change Everything

For clarity…
…the “Surgeon General’s Report” on the assassination stated that the first bullet entered the President’s throat below the adams apple, clearly showing that two persons were involved with the first shot being fired from the bridge across the park way in front of the car.To further substantiate this, POTITO said there was a bullet hole in the wind shield of the President’s car…
Not exactly the narrative that was sold to the world – and certainly not the narrative that J. Edgar Hoover proclaimed must be defended to the world.
Source Link: https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-one-paragraph-you-need-to-read-from-the-jfk-assassination-files-that-may-change-everything/5615681
Trump Destroys Magic Bullet Theory With Release Of JFK Files
Alex Jones reveals one of the most shocking things a president has done in recent memory. Releasing the JFK documents that the CIA withheld has now exposed the Deep State for good, but has now forced them to play dirty against trump in the coming weeks to try and get him impeached, quit or be killed!
JFK Files: The CIA Planned To Murder American Citizens In Miami And Blame It On Cuba During Operation Mongoose
Source Link: http://www.shtfplan.com/conspiracy-fact-and-theory/jfk-files-the-cia-planned-to-murder-american-citizens-in-miami-and-blame-it-on-cuba-during-operation-mongoose_10282017
ZeroHedge.com 10-27-17… “JFK Release: Second Shooter, UK Tipoff, CIA Media Infiltration, and LBJ Fingered In Coup” (and a Tweet from The Donald)
Source Link: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2017/10/28/zerohedge-com-10-27-17-jfk-release-second-shooter-uk-tipoff-cia-media-infiltration-and-lbj-fingered-in-coup-and-a-tweet-from-the-donald/
The JFK Files: Document Details Claim That Jack Ruby Assisted Lee Harvey Oswald
Source Link: http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/10/the-jfk-files-document-details-claim-that-jack-ruby-assisted-lee-harvey-oswald/
Abel Danger’s Field McConnell on Las Vegas, Paddock, Pedogate, 9/11 & JFK
Watch at .... https://youtu.be/EYVy06RoER0
Two Key Findings that Show the CIA Redacted Potential Smoking Gun from JFK Files
Source Link: https://www.activistpost.com/2017/10/two-key-findings-show-cia-redacted-potential-smoking-gun-jfk-files.html
Breaking: President Kennedy Shot From Front According To Surgeon General & FBI
Source Link: https://www.infowars.com/breaking-live-president-kennedy-assassinated-from-the-front-according-to-surgeon-general-fbi/
JFK Files Prove US Gov’t Planned to Set Off Bombs Inside US, Kill Innocent People in Cuban False Flag
Source Link: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/jfk-files-prove-govt-planned-false-flag/
JFK Files: US Officials Plotted Destruction of Cuban Crops with Biological Agents
Source Link: https://www.globalresearch.ca/jfk-files-us-officials-plotted-destruction-of-cuban-crops-with-biological-agents/5615751