By Michael Salla, Ph.D. and Corey Goode
The U.S. military industrial complex has been conducting military research and development in Antarctica that grossly violates the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, according to secret space program insider Corey Goode. In previous updates he has described his two visits to Antarctica and the secret excavations occurring with an ancient civilization buried under the ice sheets.
Recently, scientists have confirmed the existence of networks of thermally heated caverns under the West Antarctic ice sheets and have speculated on the kind of life that could be supported there. These scientific announcements help corroborate Corey’s claims of extensive underground facilities that contain space ports, and are conducting military research and development there.
In this latest series of questions and answers, Corey describes the history of these Antarctica Treaty violations and how it began with a merging of the US military industrial complex with a German secret space program established in Antarctica during WWII.