I must mention that it is important to exercise discernment when coming across this or any information you find. Q did mention that disinformation is real and necessary.
For video explanations of this intel please visit the YouTube channel by Tracy Beanz.
QAnon has been submitting a trove of questions on 4Chan which I believe
are ultimately aimed at painting the big picture of what is going on in
regards to these operations. It has become a bit chaotic and therefore
difficult trying to put everything together in an organized fashion. You
can find the partially answered questions from Q’s first
appearance beginning on October 31st to the time of this writing at this link.
This article will be combination of intel
by this 4Chan user, which at this point isn’t as much as the first 2
articles, and current events in relation to pedo arrests and other
disclosures. If you ever wanted to see what a collapsing empire looked
like, this is probably it.
I would also note again that not
everything Q included will be part of this article as it would take up a
lot of space and much of the new information is mostly questions. Links
to the rest of the information are included.
First I wanted to share an interesting
Presidential Proclamation from the official White Houses’s website.
November 9th, 2017 has been declared World Freedom Day:
(Whitehouse.gov) President Donald J. Trump Proclaims November 9, 2017, as World Freedom DayWorld Freedom Day, 2017
– – – – – – –
By the President of the United States of AmericaA Proclamation
For 28 years, the Berlin Wall divided families, friends, and communities, barricading oppressed Germans living on the Eastern side from seeking the freedom they deserved in the West. This World Freedom Day, 28 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we celebrate the day on November 9, 1989, when people of East and West Germany tore down the Berlin Wall and freedom triumphed over Communism. We laud the courage of all people who insist on a better future for themselves, their families, and their country, as we reflect on the state of freedom in our world today and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending it.
The fall of the Berlin Wall spurred the reunification of Germany and the spread of democratic values across Central and Eastern Europe. Through democratic elections, and a strong commitment to human rights, these determined men and women ensured that their fellow and future citizens could live their lives in freedom. Today, we are reminded that the primary function of government is precisely this, to secure precious individual liberties.
While we live in a time of unprecedented freedom, terrorism and extremism around the world continue to threaten us. The ultimate triumph of freedom, peace, and security over repressive totalitarianism depends on our ability to work side-by-side with our friends and allies. When nations work together, we have and we will secure and advance freedom and stability throughout our world.
On World Freedom Day, we recommit to the advancement of freedom over the forces of repression and radicalism. We continue to make clear that oppressive regimes should trust their people and grant their citizens the liberty they deserve. The world will be better for it.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 9, 2017, as World Freedom Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities, reaffirming our dedication to freedom and democracy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.DONALD J. TRUMP
Interestingly, this came after some intel
that was dropped involving some alleged operations disclosed on 4Chan
by Q. I should add that Q has also said that ‘nothing is a coincidence,
everything has meaning’:
(4Chan) (Sun 05 Nov 2017 17:57:33)
Nothing is a coincidence.
We are at war.
SA cut the strings.
They are scrambling for cover and using any means necessary out of their remaining power/control.
God bless.
(4Chan) (Sun 05 Nov 2017 21:34:15)
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
POTUS is our savior.
Operators are active.
We are at war.
Goodnight BO.
Snow White.
Godfather III.
(4Chan) (Sun 05 Nov 2017 21:56:55)
US Military = savior of mankind.
We will never forget.
Fantasy land.
God save us all.
There has been a massive drop of
questions and little pieces of intel here and there it has become very
difficult to compile it all. Much of it at this point is questions being
asked by Q to the 4Chan population to piece together, which they are
doing a great job at.
I will say here that it appears that Q is
attempting to get people more involved in the investigation process to
help disseminate this information among the general population so as to
help them acclimate to the coming disclosures which we know will be epic
and very upsetting. I recommend following the videos I mentioned in the
beginning of the article so as to keep up on the continuing intel,
assuming they continue to make videos.
There is another signature being used as
of a couple of days ago which was VQC+++. This person goes on to say
that the +++ might interrupt the functions of ‘bots’ that are scanning
and recording the information being released there. Now I am not sure if
this is a different person or not but I will share some of the
important posts they wrote:
(4Chan) (Thu 09 Nov 2017 02:00:28)
Bots are written in OO language so why would +++ break them?
How can you use that in threads?
Why is that important?
(4Chan) (Thu 09 Nov 2017 02:00:28)We have another big piece of intel that sounds very encouraging:
What is a redpill?
What is a cascade?
What is the domino affect?
Why is that important?
What makes memes go viral?
Do memes hold truth?
Why are the left bad at memes?
Do the arguments of the left hold up?
Why is that important?
What are the other redpills like NK being fake in many ways?
Why was Diana killed after surviving the accident?
What did she know?
Why is that important now?
Is the House of Cards about to fall?
How can you help?
Why are autistic spectrum people easier to redpill?
Do folks on the spectrum see patterns better?
Are autists harder to lie to?
Why is this important?
Why does POTUS love pol and autists?
(4Chan) (Thu 09 Nov 2017 03:04:12)This is followed by another interesting and just as encouraging piece of intel:
This domino will come last.
The others will fall because of SA and NK, you only have to watch now.
We are safe.
China is on board.
The indictments are ready.
The Titanic LEAKs of all time are coming.
Nothing can stop this.
Extractions are complete.
God bless you and God bless the United States of America
(4Chan) (Thu 09 Nov 2017 21:56:14)
Why is it important to keep your enemies close *tracked*?
Why do you seal canned goods?
Why does the real prince sleep on a mattress on the floor?
Who supplies security for the nuclear facilities not controlled by the swamp?
How will the light penetrate the darkness?
Who will come in the darkness?
Are we ready for the darkness?
What goes from 38°4437.57N 104°5048.40W to 39.8561° N 104.6737° W?
Will the Patriots leave?
How much will the red pill cost?
Can the price be paid?
Who makes the cards?
When are they from?
Th 5:21
Interestingly they sign with the same numbers as we saw before but this time they added a couple of digits. We know 4, 10, 20 = DJT which could mean Donald J. Trump and the extra numbers would be 10 = J and 18 = R. So with everything combined we have DJTJR. And I immediately noticed that if we assume, and that’s important because we don’t know for certain
what these numbers mean, that these numbers represent letters in the
alphabet, the most logical conclusion could be that it stands for Donald
J. Trump Jr.
It is interesting to note that his son’s Twitter address is @DonaldJTrumpJr. And the ‘Th 5:21′
appears to be a bible verse, a common pattern throughout all of these
intel drops is that this individual(s) frequently asks for prayer from
the 4Chan users in addition to including full bible verses. If this was
the case then the bible verse would be 1 Thessalonians 5:21 “…But test them all, hold on to what is good…”
Someone also pointed out that hours after this intel drop was made Julian Assange tweeted the following message:
Now I would like to mention a piece of
information going around that many of you may or may not have heard
about. It is regarding a large cache of sealed and unsealed indictments
in various parts of the United States. I need to say that I am not a
lawyer or someone who has thoroughly researched law enough to know if
this is common or not. But some people are saying that it is very
significant. The number is up the 200s I believe. Trump’s former State
Assistant James Brower tweeted on this subject:
There is very bad news for the Podesta Group, which Tony Podesta had recently stepped down
from, as their CEO is reportedly leaving and taking their clients with
her. Employees were told not to expect a paycheck after November 15th:
The action in Saudi Arabia is continuing
as there are many more important headlines emerging after the mass
arrests there recently:
(Zero Hedge) Saudi “Deep State” Prince Bandar Among Those Arrested In Purge: Report(Zero Hedge) Saudi Purge Goes Nuclear: Over 1,200 Bank Accounts Frozen
(Zero Hedge) Saudi Arabia Is About To Confiscate $33 Billion From Four Of Its Richest People
(RT) $100bn embezzled, misappropriated in Saudi Arabia over several decades – attorney general(The Wall Street Journal) Saudi Crackdown Targets Up to $800 Billion in Assets
(Daily Mail) Two women rescued from Saudi diplomat’s home after it was raided for human trafficking
As far as intel goes, this is everything
that is ‘big’ that I have been able to find. Please forgive me if I
missed something as lately there is a FLOOD of news stories coming out
that I am trying to stay ahead of. It has become a bit overwhelming at
times. But I am being guided to get as much as I can included in these
articles as possible.
I’d like to share some news stories in
regards to the fall of Hollywood now. This has been totally epic and
collecting these news stories has been really challenging considering
how many people are coming forward with their stories of abuse. Again,
please be forgiving if I miss something.
- Hollywood/Pedowood News
(NY Times) Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies
(Huffington Post) Actress Kristina Cohen Says ‘Gossip Girl’ Star Ed Westwick Raped Her (UPDATE)
(Huffington Post) Second Woman Accuses Actor Ed Westwick Of Sexual Assault
(Fort-Russ) “Orgies with underage girls, heavy drug and alcohol abuse” – Saudi princess unveils the Kingdom’s dark side
(Breitbart) Former Univision Host Accused of Raping 7-Year-Old Girl
(Inquisitr) Corey Feldman Gets Support From Fellow Child Stars Alyssa Milano, ‘Lost Boys’ Brother As He Names His Abusers
(NBC Chicago) Journalist Accuses Rev. Jesse Jackson of Sexual Harassment
(Zero Hedge) Manhattan DA: Weinstein May Be Arrested As Soon As Next Week
(Daily Mail) EXCLUSIVE
‘He couldn’t get his genitalia out quick enough’: Bartender tells
DailyMailTV that Kevin Spacey flashed him while he worked at a hotel
when he was 19 and then offered his $6,500 watch to ‘keep him quiet’
(Daily Mail) Five
more women come forward to accuse Roman Polanski of sexual assault –
including one who says she was just nine when he attacked her
(Inquisitr) A Reddit User Exposed Kevin Spacey As A Pedophile Years Ago, After Seeing Him With Shirtless Boys In Thailand
(The Daily Beast) Mariah Carey Accused of Sexual Harassment
(Daily Mail) New allegations have emerged about a 13-year-old Corey Haim being raped by Charlie Sheen while filming the 1986 movie ‘Lucas’
(NY Times) Art Fair Director Replaced After Being Accused of Sex Harassment
(Sputnik News) ‘Cocky Bastard’: Second Woman Accuses David Blaine of Sexual Harassment
(Deadline) Jeffrey Tambor Being Investigated By Amazon On Sexual Harassment Claims; Actor “Adamantly” Denies Allegations
(Daily Mail) Harvey
Weinstein spy? Paz de la Huerta’s lawyer says that an attorney tried to
obtain his client’s therapy records by claiming to be representing the
(NY Post) The
restaurant world braces for its Harvey Weinstein meltdown – Gabrielle
Eubank claimed chef Todd English and members of his Plaza Hotel Food
Hall staff sexually harassed her
(The Washington Post) Woman Says Roy Moore Initiated Sexual Encounter When She Was 14, He Was 32
(Huffington Post) 4 Women Accused Roy Moore Of Sexual Misconduct. GOP Senators Need More Proof.
(Huffington Post) Terry Crews Files Police Report After Sexual Assault Claim
(NY Times) Louis C.K. Is Accused by 5 Women of Sexual Misconduct
(Huffington Post) Restauranteur Eddie Huang Says He Was Sexually Assaulted As A Teen On A Baptist Ski Trip
(NY Times) André Balazs, Celebrity Hotelier, Is Accused of Groping
(Daily Mail) Nicki
Minaj’s brother is found GUILTY of repeatedly raping his 11-year-old
stepdaughter up to four times a week over seven months when her mother
went to work
(Daily Mail) Italian
film legend Gina Lollobrigida – once dubbed ‘the most beautiful woman
in the world’ – reveals she was sexually assaulted twice during her
(BuzzFeed) This Writer Says Rolling Stone Founder Jann Wenner Offered Him Work In Exchange For Sex
(BuzzFeed) A Senior Guardian Editor Is Under Investigation Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations
(Huffington Post) Los Angeles Launches Task Force To Prosecute Hollywood Sex Crimes
(Page Six) Julianna Margulies: Steven Seagal, Weinstein tried to lure me to hotel rooms
(Huffington Post) Olympic Medalist Aly Raisman Says Larry Nassar Sexually Abused Her
(Huffington Post) Ellen Page Says Brett Ratner Sexually Harassed Her On ‘X-Men’ Set
(Deadline) Anthony Edwards Writes About Sexual Molestation At Hand Of Gary Goddard
(Hollywood Reporter) George Takei Accused of Sexually Assaulting Former Model in 1981
The other major aspect to Hollywood is
the Luciferianism. You can’t separate the two, they are intimately
intertwined, and the same goes for the pedophilia. Now we are starting
to see more of the cult activity that has been going on:
(Daily Mail) Former Smallville actress is ‘second in command of sex cult under investigation for extorting, beating and branding its members – including Catherine Oxenberg’s daughter’“Allison Mack, 35, is reportedly second in command of a secret sex cult at the heart of self-help group NXIVMMack is perhaps best known for playing Clark Kent’s friend Chloe Sullivan on the long-running TV series SmallvilleNXIVM, founded by Keith Raniere brands itself as a self-help group, but former members have said it’s really a cultFrank Parlato, a former spokesman for NXIVM, revealed on his blog that Mack has been running a secret sorority within the cult that brands women…”
Hollywood is taking a massive hit right
now and I can imagine many people not really wanting to see movies with
any of the accused people anymore, which is quite a big list at this point:
(RT) Sexual harassment to cost Hollywood millions in shelved projects: Is pedophilia scandal looming?“Hollywood is facing big financial losses as the number of sexual harassment claims continues to grow. Major studios including Warner Bros, Netflix, and Sony Pictures, have been forced to cancel projects.
Following the public embarrassment that dragged down industry giants like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and Brett Ratner, studios have had to scuttle releases of new projects, revise contracts putting promising deals in jeopardy…”
There is a lot of infighting going on at the highest levels and some of this is leaking into the MSM:
(Breitbart) George W. Bush Bashes Cheney, Rumsfeld: ‘They Didn’t Make One F****** Decision’
I would like to reiterate some intel from
Cobra in regards to the people listed above. BTW I realize some of this
intel may be pretty ‘out there’ for some but I think it’s so important
to be able to keep an mind open to the idea that there is much more
going on than we are being told. Especially now…Alice & Wonderland
(2012portal) Solar System Situation Update
“From the human side, the program [secret space program] was directed by the unholy four (Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney). The unholy four are actually Draconians who took human incarnations 26,000 years ago and are the four most visible Draco/human hybrids.”
- Disclosure
As their empire continues to crumble, more news about life in the Universe and other disclosures are coming out:
(The Atlantic) What Happens If China Makes First Contact?
(Yahoo!) Something scorching hot is melting Antarctica from below, and NASA thinks they know what it is
(Express) EXTRAORDINARY CLAIM: Footage of possible ‘REAL alien found on the dark web’
(Express) Is THIS top-secret US base where crashed Roswell UFO and dead aliens are REALLY held?
(MSN) ‘Genius’ Russian boy can remember previous life on Mars in astounding detail
On November 9th 13,213 documents related
to the JFK assassination were released. I haven’t had time to go through
them but will share the link to them here.
Wikileaks also unveiled their Vault 8
disclosure which included information about how the CIA could
impersonate Russian anti-virus company Kaspersky Lab’s identity. This
put yet another nail in the ‘nothing burger’ coffin that is the Russian
hacking narrative, which, again, is a cover for the murder of Seth Rich
who leaked the Podesta e-mails.
(RT) CIA wrote code ‘to impersonate’ Russia’s Kaspersky Lab anti-virus company, WikiLeaks says
- Syria Update
The Cabal-created mercenary army Daesh
is nearly completely finished in Syria as their last main stronghold was
captured by the Syria Forces in combination with Russian airstrikes:
(Reuters) Syria declares victory over Islamic State
This is all no doubt leading up to the
liberation of this planet from what some people might call literal evil.
We can expect more headlines that depict how these people have been
operating for decades if not centuries. I would like to reiterate that
love, forgiveness and compassion will be needed for certain people as
they likely severely abused as children, especially the Hollywood stars…
I would like to share this video that I
made last night that depicts what we might see from the media once the
Alliance takes over. The video is uplifting and rather emotional. I
thank each of you for doing your part in this whole process. Everyone is
important, even the little things you do are important. Small ripples
turn into big waves sometimes.
If you enjoy these articles and videos and feel guided to support me I will leave my paypal link below:
PS Synchronistically, this is blog post
number 20144, an emphasis being on the number 144 which possesses
important meaning in regards to sacred geometry, the bible and other religious texts. We could see it as a sign that positive things are on the horizon and this process is
being guided by ‘higher beings’ who seek to do what is best for us. Not
only that but today’s date ’11/11′ is also an important synchronistic number.
Thank you for reading this post and I wish each of you much love!