Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 3, 2017

Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - December 3, 2017
White Hat sources have confirmed, at exactly 1:01 AM EST this morning, the quantum computer simulations have surpassed the 95% success rate threshold.
The agreed upon percentage to release the RV has been reached.
The release has been approved by the Elders and the funds from the global collateral accounts have been activated.
800#'s are currently pending for distribution.
The mass indictment process is to begin sometime this week as reported by insider sources.
(Maybe they're waiting for the indictments as a flashbang event? It doesn't matter, which ever event comes first, the other one follows.)
All personnel involved in the RV process remain on high alert status as per directive of the Elders.