Tom Heneghan reports on Marines Alpha Bravo Team Swamp Draining Operations!
(15:20 minutes) Tom goes over all the latest information.
Alex Jones Lies about Leo Wanta! All lies come from satan!
Note: You always have our permission to copy all videos and articles to your own platforms in their entirety.
Tom Heneghan reports that Marine Intelligence Alpha Bravo teams are now beginning their swamp draining operations. Hillary Clinton, the Bushes, Huma Abedin, Richard Cheney and many others are identified in the video above.
Tom reports President Trump will be giving the nation a wake up speech possibly as early as within the next week. Many lies are going to be exposed during this first address to the nation.
Barack Obama has been officially identified as a national security threat. His Presidency has now been officially nullified as illegitimate due to his fraudulent birth certificate. He was never legal to be President! That's why he is know as ObamaFraud!
The following information comes from Tom Heneghan and his associates. Someday we will find out who Tom Heneghan really is and why Alex Jones fears him. I don't know his "official" title or exactly who he works for but I do know he has a lot of muscle and juice and knows what's going on long before it comes out. He's plugged into the top of things that's for sure. That's why he knew Chris Matthews was going to be hit with the sex stuff weeks before Drudge just reported it today!
Tom gave me permission to put out part or all of an email he sent me about Marine Alpha Bravo swamp draining teams. Here is just part of what I was given. The rest seemed too mission specific as to compromise capture tactics on specific individuals. Clearly all of the people listed here deserve a fair trial and for all evidence to be brought against them. This is what has to happen next. People must be brought to trial as is the American tradition. The rule of law must be established again. The law must apply to all people, no matter how powerful they are or if they were President or dog catcher. If they broke the law or committed treason they must be punished. This is what our country was founded upon and why Lady Justice wears a blindfold!
This is the information Tom sent me - obviously the people he works with are sending a message here because they want you to share this far and wide. They are not afraid of these people. Either the criminals get put on trial or this country is destroyed. Please keep destroying the lies of the fake news.
The birth certificate was presented in a PDF document.
This PDF file cannot be relied on as proof a birth event in any legal setting," Zullo insisted. "It is not paper, it was created in cyberspace and resides in a computer. On April 27, 2011, Obama showed the nation and the world absolutely nothing."
Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton Racketeering Indictment
You are ordered to confine the following targets:
Democrat Dick Cheney (confirmed target, cut off funds to state PAC.)
Democrat John Brennan (confirmed target, cut off all funds to the business.)
Democrat Peter Hoekstra (confirmed target, do not set off alerts)
Democrat Lisa Page
Democrat Kamala Harris (This may require cutting off all
funds to the state PAC. Harris is a confirmed national target, do not
set off alerts, engage with extreme caution.)
Democrat John Conyers
Democrat Ed Meese, III
There will be other additional actions that must be
carried out. You are to as required, consult your field manual given how
serious this has gotten. You will also do so at all times.
Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe thought they were going to
testify to a closed session of Congress, throw smoke in the grass and
then leave for vacation. Instead, ensure they never leave Washington.
Escort Peter Strzok and McCabe to the Congress, to answer any
and all questions they now have. Oh and by escort, we do in fact mean
it is ordered to be an armed escort that takes them to the chambers.
We are sure they will enjoy being much more cooperative as the chips play out in the hearing room.
Thank you once again in regards to this dilemma, and our
condolences to all of our troops. This has been a greater burden than
any of you are yet apprised of.
Alpha-Bravo Team you are clear to go live
The provost marshal has ordered the following hostiles be taken down immediately:Huma Abedin (Deposit in the brig if not yet done.)George H.W. BushKevin Spacey (Take them in for processing starting now.)Frank GiustraBryan SingerCheryl MillsAndrew McCabeRobert DeNiro (Locate for processing starting now.)John McCainJames Baker, III (Seek target, see indictments.)Peter StrzockJames Murren (Initiate seize and capture)Ofr. E.W. PriestapJames RybickiMelissa Hodgman (Initiate seize and capture.)Tony PodestaRobert C. JonesBen Sasse (Initiate seize and capture)Rick GatesHarvey Weinstein (Initiate seize and capture)John Grissom (Initiate seize and capture)Your direct orders are to locate and seize Peter Munk, if the target can be found. These orders come direct from the high command.Additional transcripts have come available as of now in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Apparently also is able to be seen in the Supreme Courts of Nevada as well, keep track of it for indictment records.Court Records As of December 2, 2017Apparently they uncovered proof that Kevin Spacey is indeed the heir and relative of William Fowler. This is incredible they were able to unearth this, since William Fowler is the original founder of Skull and Bones. It puts Spacey's lineage in direct lineage from the first Nazis, which certainly will be hard to take for some. Nonetheless this will make for very interesting discussions to say the least. Each layer of the Fowler heritage traces back to 1860 when the thirteen club was originally created.Ensure that Spacey is in custody as well as any of his accomplices in government, then issue the next subpoenas. The orders are to take down the accomplices of Bush, Bronfman and Hillary Clinton as well. You will then seize Hillary Clinton, by any means necessary for capture. Perhaps when she disappears, you need to ask the media to do a story stating she needed to step away for health reasons so a few questions could be answered about uranium one.You will review the evidence as needed for updated information. In addition to those targets, you are now ordered to seize Joel Schumacker and Hillary Rodham Clinton under formal court martial rules. You are to consult your field manual for all deliberations. Joel Schumacker is a new recent target, current whereabouts are unknown. You are hereby ordered to locate Schumacker on a GPS and track the target.Then you are to locate exactly where target Harvey Weinstein appears to have gone. Since Weinstein has been indicted more than once, you are ordered to take out the escorts and transport Weinstein for processing. Each of these criminals are now to be taken off the street by order of the provost marshal.Take a number of them to the brig near the out ramp for the Supreme Court of Philadelphia. The others should be processed at facilities in Nevada and outside the main entrance for the national grand jury of Virginia. Every one of the suspects must be tied down with chains, since the crowds are offering to supply the chains and locks for free.Your other orders are to deliver the subpoenas by any means necessary, and then begin extraction of Dan Bundy and his comrades from the prison site in Nevada. The officials on duty there clearly didn't get the message soon enough, there's a new sheriff and acting constable in town. Place Bravo team near Harry Reid's office, the commanders do not want anyone getting out of the city and that is duly enforced when it comes to the Reids.You are ordered to cut off any remaining funds to the Clinton Foundation. This will make your job, and all our official duties much easier when it comes to taking Hillary Clinton into custody. You are also now ordered to seize John Podesta by completely removing his escort, since Podesta was indicted on several different charges in three state courts. Do not leave anything to chance, locate and capture J.P. Podesta is then to be added to processing and you will do it quietly, without anyone getting suspicious.The Special Counsel in charge of the investigation now is the high solicitor general in the District of Columbia. He is under orders directly from the military, and a lot of the evidence has been quietly handed over to his possession. This is a very serious situation so you are not going to get his name, ask your superior officer for who M1 is and they will gladly tell you the name of the current high solicitor appointed this year by the President.FBI acting head Chris Wray also has some of those files, yet not the most important ones. Also placed in charge of getting resources and protection to the high solicitor general, was NSC Security Chief Dave Cattler. At this time, he has taken possession of most of the critical evidence.The acting Attorney General has been taken off the investigation, due to conflicts showing he held at least four hearings concerning uranium in the state of Alabama. We won't discuss that in detail. It clearly was not meant to be, his role in all of this will be minimized now on orders of the Army solicitor.Additionally, we request that you consult your field manuals for all missions when serving subpoenas. It needs to be as clean and quiet as possible. Legal advisor Wanda, we ask that you forward this message only to your direct group contacts and no one else.It is now being issued that all commands be on red alert. The colonel has said we may have a soft, temporary form of martial law go active now. This is to assure an appropriate transition.It is especially important this begin now that the solicitor general has started drawing up final criminal charges and building a very large case, as it concerns the utter disaster which is uranium one. We now have proof depleted uranium and also lethal cancer laced uranium extracts made their way into the soil, as a direct result of this crime related to uranium one.The acting EPA administrators are going to be sent to prison, yet a large amount of issues must be addressed on just how poisoned the soil has become from the disaster. Stay tuned to EPA acting chief Pruitt for necessary updates.We are all aware of the fact that each of us has been shot at. These are going to be challenging times, and if you weren't close to God before very soon all of us will be. You are ordered to carry out your orders as though your life depended on it, because it does sergeant.If you aren't in favor of sacrificing children on altars whether that be in the LDS Church, Protestant Reformation, Lutheran or anywhere else...then regardless of where you stand, you are their sworn enemy. From this day onward you need to act like it, begin seizure and make it count.Remember one key factor, you are to consult your field manual at all times. Any order you carry out or later renege upon, does make you eligible for immediate court marshal later so the next in command will have to arrest you as well. As all things go under military rules, please look both ways before any movement.You are also ordered directly by the colonel to seize the station managers of NBC News, and specific television stations effective immediately. They will need to broadcast up to the minute news about these developments from our perspective, and by removing the worst problems in one stroke this will be effortless to inform the population.These station owners are the worst traitors of all. By cutting off funds to the news and the Clinton Foundation, this will assist the executive branch to begin shuttering the Federal Reserve quietly.Do not seize a news station without consulting the legion command. We are now in the throes of martial law officers. Watch everyone very carefully, and good luck to all who are involved.