Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 19, 2018
Alliance Ghost Operatives uncovered blueprints for prototype weapons from the Cabal-MIC D.U.M.B. located near Sawtooth Range before destroying it.
Attached to the blueprints were documents revealing plans for a particular prototype weapon being constructed at a hidden underground outpost located under Gannett Peak, Wyoming.
This particular prototype weapon is a long range, low frequency repeater which amplifies and re-routes standard HAARP signals.
This was a major concern for the Alliance due to the fact Gannett Peak is close to Yellowstone Caldera.
The Alliance have located this outpost and deployed Ghost Operative Teams to neutralize and destroy it as of 12:39 PM EST today.
The D.U.M.B. at Sawtooth Range was the last "recorded" Cabal-MIC D.U.M.B. that was built.
Cabal-MIC hidden underground outposts may still remain.
Note: These hidden underground outposts are not classified as D.U.M.B's.
All threats must be neutralized prior to bringing in the new financial system (RV/GCR) and beginning the transition event into Nova Earth.
The Alliance are racing against time as the window of opportunity to begin the transition event this month is closing fast.
Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 18, 2018
The Alliance picked up massive energy spikes originating around Thompson Peak, Idaho.
The Cabal attempted to open a portal once again at a hidden base located under Sawtooth Range.
The base was identified as another Cabal-MIC D.U.M.B. (Deep Underground Military Base) and was shortly destroyed by the Alliance.
The recent false flag shooting in FL was the result of CIA MK Ultra programming.
Corrupted bankers continue to be arrested on a daily basis.
The Cabal cleanup operation is nearing completion.
All recorded Cabal-MIC D.U.M.B.'s have been destroyed or captured.
The Alliance continue to search for newly built or unrecorded Cabal-MIC D.U.M.B's via acquired intelligence.
These D.U.M.B.'s must be neutralized as they may contain leftover Cabal-MIC military assets.
The plan of action to bring in the new financial system remains on track.
The new financial system must be brought in before the old financial system collapses.
Smooth transition is the goal and the window for it is closing.
Therefore, the RV must begin shortly in order to bring in the new financial system.
Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 17, 2018
The Cabal agents who attempted to open up a portal with CERN have escaped.
During their escape, they managed to steal a private jet used by White Hats.
The Alliance is currently tracking them down in Idaho.
Indications suggests they are held up at an old observation post (that has not been in service since the 1950's) and are attempting to contact remnants of the Dark Fleet.
Rogue Cabal elements have contacted the local CIA station chief to protect these agents.
Alliance Ghost Operatives have been deployed to deal with the situation.
Stay tuned for further developments.
The Alliance are currently contacting the Galactics for a plan of action to completely eliminate the Cabal once and for all.
In the mean time, the RV will be on hold until then.
The Alliance's goal is to begin the transition event this month.
Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 16, 2018
The Cabal agents that attempted to open a portal with CERN were identified and taken into custody.
The Cabal attempt to regain control and power over this planet was averted.
The quantum hosted new financial system is hack proof.
Quantum computer technology cannot be hacked without equal advanced quantum technology which the Cabal lack of.
The Galactic's are supporting the Alliance with advanced technologies.
The Cabal no longer have their malevolent off-planet masters helping them (since 2011-2012).
Most Cabal military and technology assets have been destroyed.
Only few small elements of rogue Cabal remain undercover.
The Alliance is actively seeking out these agents on a daily basis.
Several corrupted Cabal bankers were arrested in the past 24 hours.
The recent stock market plunge was a successful Alliance operation in seizing essential Cabal stocks.
This dealt a crippling blow to certain Cabal individuals whom owned these stocks.
The GCAM (Global Collateral Accounts Master) has been informed to prepare to oversee the RV exchanges this month (date classified).
Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 15, 2018
The Cabal attempted to utilize CERN to open up a portal today.
This portal was to be used as an entry for Dark Fleet forces outside of our Solar System to enter Earth and reinforce the Cabal.
This attempt was averted by White Hat(s) at CERN.
The White Hat(s) inadvertently plugged the machine into the wrong socket and blew all the circuits.
There will be no public trials for the Cabal, as stated here:
The RV is still expected to begin this month in order to bring in the new financial system.
Once the new financial system is in place, all currencies will be switched from fiat to gold/asset-backed currency.
The prosperity packages are being prepared for delivery at this hour prior to the RV.
All RV funds will be protected under the new financial system which is being hosted on a quantum computer.
This quantum computer was mainly built by Chinese engineering teams in collaboration with other Alliance member's engineering teams.
Bankers will not be able to access any of these funds without permission from the Global Collateral Accounts Master.
The RV funds will be un-freezable.