Saturday, July 5, 2014

Cobra Update - July 5, 2014

Confederation Status Update

Jul 5th 2014, 15:39, by Cobra

Very recently, the ships of the Galactic Confederation have assumed their final position inside the Low Earth orbit (LEO) for the final defeat of the Chimera group.

Their first operation will annihilate all plasma scalar weapons, belonging to the Chimera group and to other negative forces within the military-industrial complex.

Together with my team I have launched StratoProbe 2. The purpose of this launch was to receive certain intel from those Confederation ships, using a certain methodology I am not at liberty to describe. The mission was successful.

As StratoProbe 2 was approaching the Veil, it took this photo. It is very interesting to see commercial airplanes from above:

The vehicle reached its peak altitude of 25 miles (40 kilometers) when intel transfer took place. At that moment it also took this photo of the surface of our planet:

Much more intel is coming soon.