Now that Israel has been geopolitically forced to return the entire West Bank, including the Old City of Jerusalem--what could possibly be left or next on the global reset checklist?
This historic and unified act by a sovereign nation voting body (UN) was a critical geopolitical--and legal--but not the last puzzle piece demonstrating an end to the invisible, but bloody, battle for global control (aka WW3).
Russia's recent victory in Aleppo, Syria was the military ending, but it too was not the last puzzle piece.
Both paved the way now for the redemption of all defaulted historic assets and revaluation of all fiat currencies (i.e. the infamous RV--who's timing is now immanent), and which constitutes the financial end or last puzzle piece, as all other check-listed items of the larger changes intended for humanity's greatest good have been accomplished.
Collectively, all these changes make up a planetary resetting back to universal harmony--which then allows for the public disclosure of hidden centuries of extra terrestrial life long here on the surface of the earth.
Jeepers creepers, what bizarre and historic times we live in if this is all true!
It's truly amazing just how few are awakened enough to enjoy the transition--let alone recognize, participate and prosper.
UN Demands End to Israel Settlements On Occupied Palestinian Territories

US president-elect Donald Trump lobbied President Barack Obama to veto the resolution in a statement issued on Thursday.
Prior to the vote, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also urged the US to reject the document. In the past the US has used a veto but notably only abstained from voting on the resolution.
"The result of the voting is as follows: 14 votes in favor, 1 abstention. The draft resolution has been adopted as resolution 2334," Marchesi said.
A picture taken on April 14, 2016 shows a partial view of the Israeli settlement of Givat Zeev near the West Bank city of Ramallah Friday marks a "day of victory," Palestinians said following the UN's decision to move forward with the anti-settlement resolution.
The draft, circulated by Egypt, requires Israel to "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.
The UN's vote prompted a response from Trump, who vowed to pursue bilateral relationships during campaign season.
Currently, over 500,00 Jewish settlers live in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, according to UN estimates. The settlements are considered illegal by the UN.
The West Bank has been occupied by Israel since 1967.
Netanyahu explicated in response to the vote that Israel would not heed the UN's anti-settlement mandate. "Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the U.N. and will not abide by its terms," a statement from the prime minister's office said.