I know, I know, we've drug thru another week with high expectations. People are broke, losing homes, and need doctors. Anticipation is off the charts. More have dropped by the wayside, can't handle it anymore. Oh things are going on out here, but the only tangible thing is the dinars revalued, at least you can touch them and the currency Has to revalue. All countries must have currency that's worth something in this world..duh. This is the time to end feudalism once and for all. While you weren't noticing more things were done to engage the world's new banking system, which looked something like this;
JP Morgan has foreign ownership, from JP himself to the rothschilds, to dragon clan family. It seems the ceo had to be reminded of that last week, as they were holding up the world , rv's, programs, etc. An envoy was sent from the east to the front doors of 60 wall st. Not so pleasant position to be in, when someone with a very big club is at your door first thing in the morning. What a blow to the ego.
More good news...
Give this a listen, he puts a lot in perspective including how long some of these folks have been around working on humanity;
Most don't want to hear the details of getting this done, they just want 'the money' and be done with it. Trick is, if they don't know the details, they are destined to repeat the same mistakes that put this world in a trick bag in the first place. Republicrats....democans what have you, folks working for the same people who've been running the show for the longest time. The age of the sheeple is ending, each and every reader Will learn to own their personal existence...become adults in more than just age or grey hair. Getting a delivery is just the beginning of the next adventure, now you'll have to own it. For folks who have been used to following the leader, this may represent a problem...Ahhh too many options!
Some are ready some not. From now on you will need the skills of a 4th child. Listen and see, everything happening around you, dump your fear, it will not serve, learn to Know, what's up. Don't take wooden nickels. I learned of Goldman Sachs getting the 'on or off the pot' message too. There's a new system of banking engaged and the chinese already told them what they could do with all that bogus paper they generated....what'cha crying now for? You weren't crying when you created all that stuff and you knew it was worthless, then. Oh I see, most folks didn't know what you did so you could hide it and continue running things...ruh oh. I'm telling you the best stock one could be in right now is Kimberly Clark...for all those diapers that are needed.
Again, I don't know the magic moment, everything is done...the moment everything ignites. I do know the new system is in place and so do the bankers, as they had to respond to the codes downloaded. I do see some 'hatin' going on 'innocent vips' out here. You know 'judgement' can turn around and bite you right in the butt and can prove to be embarrassing too, if you're wrong. The world is a kabuki theatre right now, learn to watch and say nothing until you Know. Those who have hung for all these years are truly champions of a long hard slog.
Love and Kisses,