Sunday, August 14, 2011

Poofness Update

Greetings and Salutations,

 I won't get into any politics, or challenge anyone out here as, the way I see it, the forth coming changes will be plenty for everyone, regardless of privilege or position in this world. The mighty mighty are crapping their pants right now. Time has run all the way out in the hour glass. What was years away or months and weeks away, is now at everyone's door step. Imagine if you lived in privilege all your life and the very foundation of that was coming under challenge, like 1929, where some folks lost and some folks gained? What was once solid ground begins to quiver and shift.

 You all will see this with your own eyes, those on high shall be brought low, bar attorneys no longer accepted to practice in common law courts, old things passed under the old system, thrown out as unacceptable in constitutional courts. This will be challenged only to have cases tossed out as no longer valid. Be at peace, don't waste your energy arguing with people who believe they know everything, there are plenty of surprises to go around. Let folks fight their own battles within themselves, they make themselves unfit to live in a peaceful world anyhow, so you need not worry about them invading your space. They will quickly find themselves marginalized in the near future. You can't argue with anyone, if they refuse to participate. Silence has incredible power in a noisy world.

 Some are aware that the first casualty was a banker in europe, who is now in an unknown location, blackballed and unable to play in the banking world any more. This is a new world and the point will be steadily driven home to anyone who doesn't 'get it'. Alas, he fell on his sword. A useless proposition now a days, they got plenty of people to replace you, who'll do the right thing. You say you are christian, well you better take care of these widows and orphans, and stop trying to feed those whose bellies are full, the plutocrats. The dragons made it very clear in a conversation, 'because they wouldn't share' that's why they are flipping everything on it's head. They have been sitting there watching for a few hundred years and saw how they who borrowed from them used what they borrowed, but failed to pay back. Plain and simple this is an old fashioned, foreclosure. This was the reason they stopped in Brussels and the Hague when they decided to drop the hammer, making sure everyone was clear, when folks started seeing things going sideways out here. The politics was the countries' job to explain it anyway they wanted as they abhor politics. If you need to classify them, they are much more libertarian, than what one may think, when trying to understand the eastern mind.

 I heard about this guy who dropped a half a million in the O bucket. He needs to know there were some who dropped a 100m in the bucket. Last spring people from 1m up got the opportunity to get their principle back, along with old chinese families who had also loaned money out into the world and the dinar Has to rv because the govs are sitting on trillions of them and they have to work in this new system. Might know cheney and bush have buckets of them, themselves. Wars have always profited somebody. Timing always rules, you might not like it, but that's always in the background. So, the time is here and that's why there's all this screaming and hollering by folks who used to be quiet. The st germain foundation hooked up with the dragons to get this done. I ain't saying nothin', but somebody needs to stop telling tall tales to folks out here. You will never control that work of history. You're putting yourself in an embarrassing situation! Now tell the truth. Recognize who really controls everything out here, the boys on wall st learned and are learning more and more each day. Check with Jamie Dimon at JPM, he might enlighten you....if you can get an appointment.

 That's it, I don't see my self writing anymore, the rest of this will be  written by the historians. Catch you out there somewhere. Remember to keep your mouth shut, there'll be a mad scramble at the banks with people cashing in their dinars and accessing their program money, talk about confusion, what a perfect confluence of things.

Love and Kisses,
