Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Agent Provocateur At Bilderberg 2012 Tried to Set Up Protesters With Fake Bomb Threat

'An agent provocateur tried to set up protesters in a fake bomb plot on the morning of the first day of the Bilderberg Meetings at the Westfield Marriot in Chantilly, Virgina.

The provocateur showed up very early in the morning when the only activists or journalists there were myself, Shepard Ambellas, Jason Bermas, two We Are Change activists, the whole Truth Exposed Radio Crew, and few other protesters.

Literally less than two hours after we arrived and as we were setting up our cameras, we noticed an older man who looked very out of place and suspicious.'

Read more: Agent Provocateur At Bilderberg 2012 Tried to Set Up Protesters With Fake Bomb Threat