Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No Justice - Supreme Court Rejects ALL Guantanamo Detainee Torture Suits

'Jose Padilla, a United States citizen, was incarcerated for four years without trial for an alleged 2002 "dirty bomb" plot and has been trying to sue U.S. officials for his mistreatment while detained in a military brig in South Carolina.

Despite Padilla receiving direct support by the ACLU, he has been unsuccessful at attempting to hold accountable those who have been responsible for his horrendous treatment. Padilla's case has come to represent the overall demand by Guantanamo detainees that their cases be objectively considered.
Yesterday, June 11, all cases filed by detainees were rejected by the United States Supreme Court, leaving little doubt as to the path this country is heading toward with its conclusion that American citizen or not, your rights end where the U.S. government says they end, regardless of Constitutional principles or legal review.'

Read more: No Justice - Supreme Court Rejects ALL Guantanamo Detainee Torture Suits