Friday, November 30, 2012

Poof Interview Pulled

Hi Everyone,

Last night I posted the Poof interview provided by American Kabuki along with an MP3 link.  I woke up this morning with a few emails from known sources to remove the interview.  I am complying with their requests.

Poof also contacted me and said that his interview will be made available again "soon enough".

A lot of great information was shared and to know that the Dragons are requesting that this interview be pulled from the internet may be a good sign that things are almost ready to go.  "The Event" that is to transform this world is just up ahead and the beginning of the Golden Age is about to start. 

American Kabuki has posted some emails that shows what Poof said. Here is what Poof was quoted as saying.
Hong Kong has told me to take this down now... if you don't there is Legal action on  your ass..sorry dude  P
You can read the email at this link HERE

So hang tight and HOPEFULLY we will see changes start to unfold in public view, sooner rather than later.

~ enerchi