Monday, December 17, 2012

Releasing New Age Ascension Myths

Another Perspective Of The New Age and Ascension Phenomenon .... ~e


I am now no longer influenced by any of the new age myths or channellings that regularly circulate on the internet, despite having been deeply immersed in channellings for the past two decades at least.  Like many other people, I had my favourite channellers and even found some benefit and relief, however temporary, in some of the teachings and beliefs that I encountered over the years.  Don't get me wrong, i am not suggesting that these well-meaning and good people are deliberately intending to deceive or circulate disinformation, and I have even grown to love many of the channellers that had become favourites of mine and still do.

I am only interested in the truth and in ascending in this lifetime, preferably with my physical body, when ascension time comes.  Now that I know what I know I am deliberately disconnecting myself from the disinformation, which is coming from the Light of the Darkness.  The true Light (Source energy) does not channel and is not located in time and space here.  It never created the Dark, doesn't understand it and can never become contaminated by it otherwise it would not be the Light.

Eons ago the alien presence here on Earth altered our DNA.  They have been controlling humanity ever since, which is why we are forced into one reincarnation after another here on Earth.  Why?  They live off of our emotional energy and our spirit, our Light.  Because they have no light or spirit of their own. They are from another creation and should not have invaded our reality in this universe of Light, nor be here interfering with our free will.  All the wars here on this planet are also alien influenced, as above so below.  Some aliens are on the earth, usually underground, and some operate from other parallel timelines and send mind control transmissions via satellite.  It can be a shock to realise that we have all been mind controlled, but there are solutions.  So stayed tuned (if you have not run out of here already).

The aliens control anything to do with the mind energy or with time.  The true Light (Source energy that made our spirit) operates outside of time, from one now moment to the next, which is why no predictions are ever coming from the Light.  All predictions are coming from the alien controlled timelines.  A good way of getting out of mind energy is to drop your consciousness from your head to your heart centre.  You can imagine an elevator going down and count from 10 to 1, thus commanding the energies, and you will feel after doing this a few times that you are operating from a different centre, with a more neutral feeling state and a more timeless existence, not having a negative or positive thought.  Say it out loud and don't merely think this simple exercise or you will be operated from the mind energy, which is connected to the alien mind control.

When you come across information that seems to go against all previous belief systems you had in the past, it is usually run through the mind first, and because of alien mass mind control our energetic implants will tend to dismiss it.  Which is why it is so important to live from the heart centre because then you are connected with your own source energy, your own divine light, which will never deceive you like the mind does.  We are only meant to be living on one timeline here and having one incarnation on the Earth before incarnating elsewhere in the cosmos which is vast.  The aliens created multiple timelines, or parallel lifetimes which is the same thing, and we are all regularly abducted on to them whether we are consciously aware of it or not.  When we dream at night we are experiencing a parallel lifetime.  We are not meant to be interpreting our dreams but trying to get off of these timelines, because parts of our spirit is spread across these timelines and we need all of our spirit here fully embodied in order to ascend.

Because the aliens control time, what to us may seem like a few seconds of not being fully conscious here (like when we go out of our body when we do drugs or meditate, or allow our consciousness to go out there in the zone, not being fully present) can be stretched in time by them to a few weeks or months even.  So to us only a few seconds may have elapsed and we have no recall of where we have just been, or that we went anywhere else at all.  Because their technology is so much more advanced than ours it is hard to conceive how this can be done, or how they can replace us with a cloned body which looks like us, whether here on earth or on one of the timelines.  Anyway, I'll not get too deeply into that right now, I just wanted to give a brief overview.

Every 2000 years approximately the Light (Source energy) does the ascension process to clear the Darkness out of the Light.  It is like the flipping of a switch and the universe of Light goes out for a while.  The Darkness therefore has no Light to feed on any more and we are hopefully fully Light embodied to do the ascension process, as we are made from the Light, from Source energy.  We cannot ascend with our bodies while there is any darkness within us.  Duality is something the aliens created, and the myth is perpetuated that Source energy is composed of both the Dark and the Light.

 The negative aliens dumbed us down when they rearranged our DNA thousands of years ago.  And we have been reincarnating ever since on this same planet because we have also been carrying the density/darkness (judgements) of our ancestors, which we are not supposed to be carrying.  Prior to the ascension time we need to have our DNA cleared out of this so we can ascend, and 2000 years ago when the last opportunity for ascension was available Jesus' role was to clear out our densities/DNA so we can do the ascension.  Not many ascended back then, which is why we have the current overpopulation problem on the planet.  The life of Jesus was also cut short, he was not meant to die as young as he did.

The Galactic Federation was supposed to be overseeing the ascension process and protecting him while he was on Earth, but they either got corrupted and sold out to the Dark side or for some reason were not able to hold spiritual integrity, so Jesus' role was cut short and the Earth spirit decided not to do the ascension back then because too many people of the Earth would have been lost.  The Earth spirit is definitely going to do the ascension process this time around and will be energising a planetary blueprint in the 8th dimension.  All planetary blueprints need a planetary spirit to embody it.

The aliens have never really gone away or stopped interfering with life on Earth.  Humanity hasn't helped matters either by continuing to connect with energies outside of themselves.  Source energy never intervenes so there is never any divine intervention because we were given our own Source energy/divine light within ourselves.  Source energy only gets involved at the ascension process when it comes around each time, to find anything of Light.

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