Monday, July 1, 2013

Edward Snowden Issues Statement Via WikiLeaks

Obama admin 'using citizenship as a weapon:' Snowden makes Moscow statement

Published time: July 01, 2013 22:52
Reuters / Bobby Yip
Reuters / Bobby Yip
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden released a statement Monday night from Moscow saying he is “impressed at the efforts taken by so many” to keep him out of the hands of United States law enforcement as he continues to seek political asylum.

The former National Security Agency contractor who leaked documents detailing widespread domestic and foreign surveillance said he is disturbed by what he sees as the Obama administration’s use of international intimidation tactics. 

On Thursday, President Obama declared before the world that he would not permit any diplomatic ‘wheeling and dealing’ over my case,” Snowden wrote. “Yet now it is being reported that after promising not to do so, the President ordered his Vice President to pressure the leaders of nations from which I have requested protection to deny my asylum petitions.”

This kind of deception from a world leader is not justice, and neither is the extralegal penalty of exile. These are the old, bad tools of political aggression. Their purpose is to frighten, not me, but those who would come after me.”

Egyptian deadline: Armed forces give Morsi and protesters 48 hours to resolve conflicts

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Published time: July 01, 2013 18:51
Edited time: July 01, 2013 22:31
Egyptian opposition protesters celebrate on July 1, 2013 in Cairo.(AFP Photo / Gianluigi Guercia)
Egyptian opposition protesters celebrate on July 1, 2013 in Cairo.(AFP Photo / Gianluigi Guercia)
The powerful Egyptian armed forces have said that national security is at risk and have given President Mohamed Morsi a virtual ultimatum to resolve the crisis or else they will introduce a roadmap for the country’s future.

In a statement broadcast on state television, the military declared the nation was in great danger after millions of Egyptians took to the streets Sunday to demand Morsi step down.

“If the demands of the people are not realized within the defined period, it will be incumbent upon (the armed forces) to announce a road map for the future,” said the statement by General Adbel Fattah al-Sisi the Commander-In-Chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces.

The statement continued that the armed forces have sensed the seriousness of the situation currently facing the Egyptian people and that they had already issued a warning over a week ago calling for the politicians to achieve some kind of consensus to bring stability to the country.

Egyptian opposition protesters celebrate on July 1, 2013 in Cairo.(AFP Photo / Gianluigi Guercia)
Egyptian opposition protesters celebrate on July 1, 2013 in Cairo.(AFP Photo / Gianluigi Guercia)
“The armed forces sensed early on the dangers of the current situation and the demands the great people have at this time. Therefore, it previously set a deadline of a week for all political forces in the country to come to a consensus and get out of this crisis. However, the week has passed without any sign of an initiative. Wasting more time will only bring more division and conflict, which we have warned about and continue to warn about,” the statement read.

Top Vatican bank managers resign after Monsignor's arrest

President of the Vatican bank Ernst von Freyberg poses in his office at the VaticanBy Philip Pullella
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Two top managers of the scandal-plagued Vatican bank resigned on Monday following the arrest of a high-ranking cleric with close ties to the financial institution, in the latest of a string of embarrassments for the Holy See.

Director Paolo Cipriani and deputy-director Massimo Tulli stepped down three days after the Vatican was rocked by the arrest of Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, who is accused of plotting with two other people to smuggle 20 million euros into Italy from Switzerland.

Ernst von Freyberg, a German who earlier this year became president of the bank, officially known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), will assume the role of bank director until a permanent replacement is appointed.

The bank has also established a new position of chief risk officer who will be charged with improving compliance with financial regulations at a bank which has long been a byword for secrecy and lack of transparency.

The Vatican bank, which has had more than its share of scandals in the past few decades.
Scarano, 61, who worked as a senior accountant in the Vatican's financial administration, was arrested along with an Italian secret service agent and a financial intermediary.

Massive 580 Tons Of Gold Purchased In Just 7 Days

Maguire – Massive 580 Tons Of Gold Purchased In Just 7 Days

Today whistleblower Andrew Maguire told King World News that Eastern Central banks have purchased a staggering 580 tons of physical gold in just the last 7 trading days.  This means Eastern Central banks just purchased a stunning 25% of the world’s annual gold mine production in just 7 trading days. This was the largest purchase of physical gold during any 7 trading day span in history.  Maguire, who recently appeared in the CBC production “The Secret World of Gold,” also discussed the brutal takedown in the gold and silver markets as well as the disappearing inventories in part one of a series of written interviews that will be released today.

Maguire:  “The lower these prices are set in the paper (gold and silver) markets, the stronger the physical buying becomes.  But it’s totally unsustainable.  And given the incredibly bullish COMEX structure now, and the global market underpinning, these paper sales just cannot continue any longer.
Officials have not been selling any physical gold for many months now….

“However, by manipulating the gold price lower through the foreign exchange interventions, they’ve succeeded in forcing 600 tons of ETF redemptions, COMEX capitulation, and drawn in an unprecedented level of fresh managed money short supply.  This has now successfully allowed the bailout of the bullion banks to the point where they have been able to get net long (gold) futures.  The two primary bullion banks that we all know about are net long.

Luke Rudkowski Talks with David Icke on his new T.V Station: "The Peoples Voice"

Published on Jul 1, 2013
Luke Rudkowski sits down with David Icke in the United Kingdom to discuss the launch of Icke's new 24 hour television news channel. In this video David explains how "The People's Voice" will be run on a non profit basis and be able to provide alternative platform mainstream television in the U.K.

John Lear Talks About UFOs, Aliens, Area 51, Moon Bases and Bob Lazar

Published on Jul 1, 2013
JOHN LEAR - Welcome to Planet X broadcasting every Sunday evening from 8.00 pm online

Planet X welcomes this week John Lear. John is a retired airline captain and former CIA pilot, as well as the son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet. He is a former Lockheed L-1011 Captain and is highly regarded in aviation circles.

John has flown over 150 aircraft and has earned every certificate granted by the Federal Aviation Administration. John also held 18 world speed records and has worked for 28 different Aircraft Corporations. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, John began coming forward with some startling revelations concerning the subject of aerial phenomena and Unidentified Flying Objects.

Johns research into 'Indentified Alien Aircraft' is renowned and so is his relationship with the infamous 'Bob Lazar' who worked at the top secret military base Groom Lake aka Area 51. Known for his alternative views and sometimes controvertial notions about the moon and the human race, John is full of character and a person who knows lots about UFOs, and ET...

Latest Crop Circle - June 30, 2013


Published on Jul 1, 2013
Read more:

Latest crop circle report - Cavallo Grigio, Robella, Province of Asti, Italy - Sunday, June 30th, 2013 - cerchi nel grano

Quick News - July 1, 2013

Best UFO Sightings Of June 2013, AFO

Benjamin Fulford Update - July 2, 2013

Trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds now in the possession of the White Dragon Society

Last week, representatives of Asian groups asked the White Dragon Society to help them cash trillions of dollars’ worth of historical bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Board. The WDS agreed on the condition the funds be partly used to finance a massive campaign to end poverty, war and environmental destruction. For example, here is a picture of one of a set of 60 boxes each containing $125 billion worth of bonds:


If the Federal Reserve Board and the BIS refuse to cash these historical bonds, then the relentless campaign against them will continue. This campaign has so far removed from power Pope Maledict, J. Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix of Holland, 26 top Pentagon generals, the CIA head Petraeus, Hillary Clinton, the King of Saudi Arabia and many others. Last week, in a major cabal defeat, Sabbatean mafia stooge Julia Gillard was removed from the Prime Minister’s office of Australia. Next will be anybody else who stands in the way of efforts to save the planet including Ben Bernanke and Barak Obama.

Our Relationship with Source, Part 1


a resource for the awakening human: Our Relationship with Source, Part 1

Our Relationship with Source, Part 1

This is the week I rethink everything. After spending the nearly four years since my second awakening trying out external spiritual concepts from self-styled gurus and channeled entities -- all of whom were so certain, so detailed, and so contradictory with their ideas -- it's time to set everything down and sort through it. It's time to take a hard second look at things like the obligation to spiritually evolve, soul contracts, karmic debt bondage, spiritual hierarchies who tightly control spiritual expression, and other such ideas that make my spirit want to curl up in a ball and die forever. And it's time to call BS on the channeled entities who sugarcoat such ideas with their sickly-sweet spiritual aspartame.

Speak of the devil, I can already hear them responding...

"Oh, Ken, you make it all sound so terrible. It's really not like that at all. All those wonderful things you mentioned are there to help you endlessly recycle into slave incarnations on our prison planet... err... allow us to rephrase that last part. We had another Greg Giles moment..."

Yep, it's time to strip my spiritual car down to the frame and rebuild it with genuine parts, and when you strip your spiritual belief system down to its foundation, you start with the most basic beliefs of all: who you are, who God is, and what your relationship is with "him." That is the subject of this entry. And since certainty is the first casualty of being human, I can't tell you that my perspective is the right one; I can only express my hope that it will be of benefit to you as you approach the Truth from your own unique direction.

So to begin, is this what God looks like?...

...Nope, I don't think so. But it is a rather accurate picture of what's going on in our world, because it depicts an incarnate being (like us, but perhaps less energetically dense) pretending to be the "Almighty Creator of All That Is."

Tom Heneghan Update - June 30, 2013

ALL patriot American MUST know, with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting

what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist,
extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Treasonous Nazi Paperclip NSA (misnomer) National Security Agency

Sunday  June 30, 2013
Treasonous NSA Now Cornered

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that European Union financial regulators, the International Court of the Hague and a U.S. Military Grand Jury operating in Langley, Virginia, have granted sweeping immunity to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Note: These official grants of immunity were presented to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts last Friday.
Nazi Paperclip NSA global bank hacking

We can now divulge that the Nazi Paperclip NSA (National Security Agency) not only hacked into Russian and Chinese banks but also hacked into banks in Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy and banks in all of the Scandinavian countries.

This massive electronic cyber criminal NSA activity was directed from British soil with the direct assistance of British MI6.

U.S. banking giant JPMorgan Chase, the Bank of Israel, the Bank of England, along with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate financial monolith Carlyle Group, have direct access to this criminal NSA technology, which is a spin off of PROMIS software and the Clinton era project "Echelon".

We can also divulge that the aforementioned criminal NSA banking cartel and the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve used this criminal bank technology to hide and disguise and misuse Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds using electronic digital cross-referencing to create account numbers.

Fox News Reporting on ChemTrails