Monday, October 14, 2013

Zap & Poofness Update - October 14, 2013 Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: The season of change...
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:18:35 -0400

Greeting and Salutations,

Fortunately the Kabuki theatre is nearly ended, and the currency revaluation is beginning. Pay attention to the activities after the banking holiday this coming week; I'm hearing it could be a very exciting time.

The best thing that happened in DC came from the chaplain of the Congress. Here is his prayer for the Congress and the country:

Opening Prayer 10/11/2013 Reverend Patrick J. Conroy, S.J.

Loving God, we give You thanks for giving us another day.

Lord, You know there are many Americans who look to the people's House as uncertainty about the future of the economy and their livelihoods hang in the balance. Petty partisanship and ever–politicizing rhetoric should have no place at all when men and women of goodwill come together to serve the common good.

We ask again that You bless the Members of the people's House with the understanding that it is their work to develop the strategies and plans to assuage the fears of their fellow countrymen and –women.

We ask again that You impel those who possess power here in the Capitol to be mindful of those whom they represent who possess little or no power and whose lives are made all the more difficult by a failure to work out serious differences.

May all that is done today be for Your greater honor and glory.

Benjamin Fulford Update - October 15, 2013

Will humanity’s long nightmare finally begin to end this week with the bankruptcy of Washington D.C.?

All of us who have watched in horror and disgust over the years as the rogue regime in Washington D.C. has carried out mass murder and countless other unspeakable crimes are hoping they will go bankrupt this week on October 17th.

It is a fact that this criminally insane rogue government has murdered through over 50 million people since World War 2 ended. This cabal also recently staged a sarin gas attack in Syria in yet another effort to start World War 3. This regime hijacked the Republic of the United States of America and turned that Christian nation into a mass of brainwashed couch potatoes or mindless, subservient thugs.

Bankrupting the US criminal regime will deal a fatal blow to the international mafia hiding above most of the world’s publicly visible governments.

This is the same mafia that publicly executed President John F. Kennedy. They have also either murdered, bribed or intimidated most other world leaders ever since that time including many of the current leaders of the G20 group of nations.

Tanaath Silver Legion Interview 10/12/13

Source Link:

Published on Oct 13, 2013
Tanaath of the Silver Legion is interviewed on the Talk With Vince radio show. October 2013.

Latest Intel Update From 'East Coast' - October 13, 2013


Latest Intel Update From 'East Coast' - October 13, 2013

Ken's Blog: The EBT Outage, Dutchsinse, and the Fake Revolution & Behold America's Engineered Color Revolution

Watching the 17th (Update 9): The EBT Outage, Dutchsinse, and the Fake Revolution

It appears that Saturday's EBT (food stamps) shutdown was just a dry run...

...and there were three distinct excuses given for its occurrence:

1) A power outage at the ACS (Xerox) facility...
"Sheree Powell, Director of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, also told NBC10 affiliate KFOR that the system failure is the result of a power outage at a Xerox facility. EBT cards in several states are powered by a company that Xerox owns called ACS, Inc."

2) A computer system upgrade...

"At 2 p.m., an EBT representative told CBS Boston that the system was currently down for a computer system upgrade. She could not say when officials expected the system to be restored."

3) A routine test of backup systems...

"During a routine test of our back-up systems Saturday morning, Xerox’s Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system experienced a temporary shutdown."

Since the story kept changing about the cause of the outage, let's just call it a "computer glitch." Isn't it remarkable how computer glitches have been shutting down so many things lately, from Google to news sites to financial markets to online banking sites? Needless to say, I suspect this shutdown was quite intentional, and I can think of a number of reasons for its occurrence:

1) It live-tested the shutdown protocol for welfare and food stamps.

2) It allowed the government to gauge the public reaction to a shutdown.
You can be sure they were closely monitoring the social media and Walmart security cameras to see how people behaved.

3) It may have given time for monies to be shifted around by the banks or government.

4) It allowed for the testing of the backup voucher system, which failed...

Missing Nukes, Purging Commanders and Whacking People (Video/Audio)

Source Link

By Susan Duclos

Radio host Michael Savage has joined other prominent voices in highlighting what the MSM ignores, such as questions about the missing nukes, the unprecendented purging of military commanders under obama and the strange killing of an unarmed woman that crashed into White House barricades, after removing her baby from the car.

Via InfoWars:

As Savage points out, specifically speaking on my report last Friday concerning how the termination of a high level nuke commander coincided with the exact September 3rd date of the secret transfer, what we truly need is answers. And while we are already talking about an issue that is deeply concerning at a base level, what really give the secret transfer a disturbing amount of depth are the events that followed the leaked intel.

Galactic Hymn Of Earth's Emergence

I was contacted by the UFO twins who wanted to share this Galactic Hymn.  Their website and their experiences as E.T. contactees can be found at .....


Galactic Hymn Of Earth's Emergence - Our World's Anthem
(also known as 'The Disclosure Song')

This is a hymn that was written to the melody of 'The Battle Hymn Of The Republic.'

Rather than being a song of war, conquest and taking pride in that conquest, our song focuses on the idea that we are all one on this planet and across the universe. Galactic Hymn Of Earth's Emergence - Our World's Anthem represents a "Rites Of Passage" for our planet in coming into the awareness and acceptance that we are not alone in the universe.  As disclosure of the UFO phenomenon inches ever closer and closer, and the realization of nonhuman beings visiting our planet becomes a reality that is accepted and even embraced, what untold wonders might such an historic eventuality hold for us.

Galactic Hymn Of Earth's Emergence - Our World's Anthem encourages us to contemplate the wonderful possibilities.

Gordon Duff's Handlers Tell Him About Comet ISON Threats

Perspectives on Recent Issues/Threats/Promises

Anomalies Near Comet Ison (Chinese Space Agency)
Anomalies Near Comet Ison (Chinese Space Agency)

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

There has been a recent flood of disinformation in all media.  Normally, systematic mythology is the “meat and potatoes” of Fox News and the New York Times.  It is now pervasive and with reason.
Events have transpired that have led to the inexplicable things we are reading about, nuclear command officers removed, nuclear weapons inventories disappearing, FEMA buying everything in sight, earthquakes off the US coast, the “shutdown,” our mysterious new “peace bomb” in Syria and with Tehran.

If you believe none of it makes any sense, you have been paying attention.  It is all related, all a ploy.

The primary concern is to the Northern Hemisphere which is threatened by the potential collision of two groups of asteroids.  One is very bad, the other is worse.

Toward that end, within the realm of what can be done and what is rational, “prepper” mode should be entered.
  • Keep vehicles fueled
  • Store reasonable water
  • Get a water purification filter system
  • Have storable and transportable food
  • Consider a “bug out bag” warm clothing, gun, compass/GPS etc
  • Decide on a survival weapon (Henry AR 7 recommended). Survival doesn’t mean “assault.”


The current thawing in international relations is related to very strong cooperation between nuclear powers toward intercepting, yes, right out of the movies, several critical threats.  Weapons systems have already been launched.  Just as President Reagan had predicted in his UN speech, nations have come together.

Toward that end, keeping damaging and insane speculation out of the press has led to a restructuring of our military, shutting down NASA and some of the FEMA activities which are not intended to be threatening.  They are simply doing their jobs.

China's Official Press Agency Calls For New Reserve Currency, And New World Order

We assume it is a coincidence that on the day in which we demonstrate China's relentless appetite for gold, driven by what we and many others believe is the country's desire to have a call option on a gold-backed reserve currency when the time comes, just posted in China's official press agency, Xinhua, is an op-ed by writer Liu Chang in which he decries the "US fiscal failure which warrants a de-Americanized world" and flatly states that the world should consider a new reserve currency "that is to be created to replace the dominant U.S. dollar, so that the international community could permanently stay away from the spillover of the intensifying domestic political turmoil in the United States."

Of course, if China were serious, and if the world were to voluntarily engage in such a (r)evolutionary reserve currency transition, then all Magic Money Tree theories that the only thing better than near infinite debt is beyond infinite debt, would promptly be relegated to the historic dust heap of idiotic theories where they belong.

Some of China's (which as a reminder is the single largest offshore holder of US Treasury paper, and the second largest of all only second naturally to the Federal Reserve whose $85 billion in monthly monetizing "flow" is what is keeping rates from exploding higher) thoughts as captured in the Xinhua Op-ed: