Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Could The Fifth Dimension And New Earth Be A Trap?

Could The Fifth Dimension And New Earth Be A Trap? 


by Michelle Walling, CHLC Staff writer,


This is one of the most difficult articles I have written, and I have a feeling there are more of them to come. In my philosophy of questioning everything, I have stumbled upon teachings that show that the fifth dimension as well as the “New Earth” may be a trap into keeping us locked into the matrix.

Everything in our reality seems to be backwards and upside down. I am not exaggerating when I say everything. It feels like a bad dream and ironically in order to change it, we had to experience what we did not want and recognize how it came into existence. In order to know what the fifth dimension was, we had to want for a dimension that seems to be higher than this one. Anything would be better than being here, in this dense place, where we cannot see the dimensions around us, right? I am not so sure of this anymore.

We have already been in the higher dimensions, and as we progressed, we went DOWN in dimensions. Innately, we knew that in order to “ascend” we had to go to the bottom of the barrel and bring things up from there, or more specifically repair what has been done to the planet’s timelines.

There is an ORGANIC Earth template that was modified to create a time loop matrix that we have been experiencing since the time of Atlantis where the poles tilted on the planet. When the poles tilt, it creates a rip in the time/space of our reality which allows a new reality to be inserted. The rips are then patched together and the archons in the astral realm run the programs of time and division in order to keep us trapped so they can use our energy for food to sustain them.

All along I have been frustrated in thinking that in order for humans to be able to make a choice as to where they want to exist at the end of the grand cycle (all the cycles within cycles coming to an end), they must have the information in order to make an informed choice. It has been my inner mission to put information out in order to educate those who wished to know. There has been plenty of information available out there but the subliminal internal programming has been created to not allow people to question anything. The typical drone life- going to work, coming home for dinner, going to bed and repeating this until the weekend where household chores and errands are run with only “Sunday” to relax has made people unknowingly want choose a better (astral) world- one where they dream of not having to work and not needing money. I was one of these drones just five short years ago.

I studied for five years, almost every day only to find myself confused and running in circles that were carefully laid out by the astral beings in order to trap me into a new paradigm of choosing a “New Earth”. Although the organic template called for no money or working as slaves, this gets twisted into wanting a “New Earth” as a part of the new astrological cycle of domination and control.

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