Wednesday, July 8, 2015

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Red Dragon’s Sweet Talking Ambassador – Still Doesn’t Tell The Truth (Part 2)

This just in from Neil:


After the release of the latest Red Dragon expose which entirely cleans out their clan of thieves and fools they decided to clean out their sites. I suggest if you wish to keep any information regarding the shit they had hoped to pour down on you that you make copies now of everything mentioned before they clean it all up. It is nice to see the clowns panic. ~ Neil Keenan


NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Red Dragon’s Sweet Talking Ambassador – Still Doesn’t Tell The Truth (Part 2)

Firstly, we’d like to let our readers know that Neil is safe and sound and presently forging ahead full speed with all that needs to get done for the release of the Global Collateral Accounts.

We thank all of you for your concern and good wishes, and for remaining steadfast in focusing on what we want rather than on what we do not want.

The Ambassador’s Identity is Revealed

Although in our original article exposing the Red Dragon “Ambassador” for what he really is, we stated our intent was not to give his con game any more of our time. However, additional discoveries about him have now come to light which are simply too critical to remain silent about.
We apologize for taking so long to post this Part 2. The delay has been due to much more important and pressing events at hand.

So right up front, here it is: the sweet-talking Ambassador of the imaginary Asian Red Dragon Family is none other than Bo Mikael Lindstrom, son of Diplomat Mikael Lindstrom, Sweden’s former Ambassador to China (until 2010), Japan (until 2006), Indonesia (until 1998).

An easy way to confirm their connection is by going through Bo Mikael Lindstrom’s LinkedIn profile, where on the right side it shows “People Also Viewed”, Click on Jan-Mikael Vilheim Lindstrom (most likely an older brother, a family member for sure).

Then again where it shows “People Also Viewed”, Click on Mikael Lindstrom. Bo Mikael for sure didn’t what anyone to see his direct connection but Voila, he does reveal his connection with his father, through his brother. Pictures of them side by side you’ll clearly see Bo Mikael’s resemblance to his father.

As a diplomatic Ambassador’s son, travel with his father to Asian countries would have provided a fertile background for Bo Mikael’s present endeavors. Apparently, to fulfill some childhood dream of “super-hero” importance and to emulate his father’s diplomatic status, Bo Mikael Lindstrom simply appointed himself Ambassador to a fake Asian Dragon Family.

But that wasn’t enough. Now Lindstrom has pumped up his phony persona with a new venture under the cover of a charity for world peace. He’s even come up with a grand name for this newest fabrication, calling it “True Vision of Peace”. While the name certainly sounds quite altruistic, it needs to be clear that it is nothing other than a charity front intended to fleece even more money from gullible followers.

Why has the “Ambassador” devised something new and different? To hide behind the façade he’s created and further obscure any trace to his real identity, and because he’s seeking all the money he can to line his pockets and those of his cronies (see below). Bo Mikael Lindstrom hopes to regain your focus and interest through a charity platform that he professes to be for humanitarian projects.
There’s no disputing that funding Humanitarian Projects is a worthy cause and is desperately needed now to rebuild the dire state of our world, but the fact remains that humanitarian funding will never ever be accomplished by frauds and scammers.

Symbols and logos can be more powerful and revealing than words:

Click here to open a larger version of the image above in a new window

Shady Associations Make for Shady Endeavors
Below are the facts about Bo Mikael Lindstrom’s associations. We leave it to the reader to discern if these are appropriate associations for those whose genuine intent is to assist humanity in making changes for a better world.

Alpha Omega Station (AOS) – A fake bank with accounts supposedly slated for Christian charities, this organization was originally created as a Russian money exchange system between the U.S. Dollar and the Russian Ruble during the Cold War. Subsequently AOS was disbanded, and in 1994, it was taken over by Vladimir Ivanovich Kobzar and given a new role to create its fraudulent activities (Kemp’s statement: indicating they would be the NEW WORLD ORDER and their prime objective was to take control of the Global Payments System currently conducted by SWIFT.
Dictated to by Russian individuals of the highest level, with direct links to Vladimir Putin).

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