Friday, September 11, 2015

Rumor/Intel - New Republic To Be Established By End of September 2015

Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.

Martial Law is happening to Bring Forth the New Republic

From: "[...]" <[...]>
Date: Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 21:09
Subject: USA Inc. has Lost its Charter & Martial Law is happening to Bring Forth the New Republic

THIS IS PART OF MY FIRST DRAFT WHICH I WAS WRITING INITIALLY, THEN I LOST IT BUT FOUND IT RIGHT NOW IN MY DISCARDED DRAFTS - We have been hearing for a long time to expect this as we transition back into a Republic. It is time for people to prepare. Have enough food, water, supplies, cash on hand and keep your gas tanks topped off. They will try to make this go smoothly as possible. However, there are unpredictable people. I am expecting this to happen before the end of September. It could be any day.