Dear Ones, what a time you are having as the messages you now receive seem to have a general agreement as to what is shortly coming up. This month is a turning point regardless of whatever takes place, as the incoming energies will to a greater or lesser degree affect all souls. In fact it has already made its presence known by impinging upon your consciousness, with the result that many sense the changes within themselves. The higher energies are bringing love and ultimately a peace that you have only briefly known in your present dimension. The entities on your Earth that cannot raise their vibrations will be guided to an appropriate level that suits their needs. Every soul will find itself at the right level for their future needs, and all things will be exactly as they should be.
This is the time when the truth will gradually emerge until it becomes a crescendo of information that will make your head whirl. There is so much that has been presented to you as “truth” yet is far from it, and intended to hold you in the clutches of the dark Ones. Indeed, it has been largely successful but with the expanding levels of consciousness, it can no longer prevent the truth from becoming known. It means that you are no longer automatically accepting whatever is placed before you, and are more discerning and asking questions. At the same time many Lightworkers are now stepping forward to share their knowledge with you. The truth can no longer be kept from you, and as you prepare to actively take part in the New Age many knowledgeable souls are making themselves known.
Whilst the future is yet to be revealed, it will seem to you that utter confusion is all around you. This will remain for a while but once the activities of the dark Ones are curtailed, they will no longer be able to dictate to you or interfere. The New Age changes will truly start and in quick time you will see the benefits come in quick succession. You must remember that we are not reliant on your knowledge, but have advanced far beyond your present levels. However, you are part way there as for some years now you have benefited from progress made as the result of new technologies that have come through us, or taken from sources other than your own.
You are in exciting times that will lift you out of the lower vibrations, to benefit from new inventions and existing technologies that have been kept from you. Your needs will be fully attended to and eventually you will have so much time for yourselves, without the necessity to give so much of yourselves simply to have a rewarding life. The dark Ones never wanted you to become independent, and their devious plans have purposely kept you as slaves to your work and the money system. It will all change in due course, but first those most in need must be lifted out of poverty and want. It would seem to be a formidable task but with our help you will be utterly and completely surprised how quickly it can be carried out.
People must be prepared to change for the better, and any inconvenience will be well worth it. You will eventually become self-serving and independent, as the days of giving so much of your time simply to provide the necessities of life will change. You will have more than ample time to follow your own pursuits, and venture to different parts of the Earth for whatever pastimes you wish to enjoy. Be assured that the future is certain where these matters are concerned, and God has ordained it shall be so. Wars and any form of aggression will disappear and people will live together harmoniously and in happiness. With permanent peace having been established your Space friends will make more contact and you will enjoy sharing activities with them. It will soon be time to meet other civilisations who also wish to share their knowledge with you, and some are already within your Solar System waiting for the right time to openly introduce themselves.
As an individual your most important challenge is to keep focussed on the Light, and not be distracted by anything happening around you. There will be distractions and false information will abound as those who fear the changes cling desperately to what they know and feel comfortable with. At the same time however, more facts will come to light as to how you have been manipulated by the dark Ones. However, a number of you can now see clearly through the lies that have been told, and even are ready to awaken to the truth. It will spread like wildfire, largely by word of mouth, until the Press and other sources are forced to report the changes that are occurring. The truth will sound right because intuitively you know what to accept, and much will be to your surprise and also welcome as it will be for the good of All. However, be prepared to find your way through the mass of information that will be presented to you.
When you look back you will realise that there has been a deliberate plan to enlighten you that has taken many years to come to fruition. It has been slow to allow time for those who have needed much more help, to break out of the manacles that have held them back. Originally all souls came to Earth from high levels and as they immersed themselves in the lower vibrations, they lost their contact with the Light. You are therefore being given every help to remember who you really are and make your return to the Light as easy as possible. Your Guides will help you on your way so call upon them if you need their assistance. We can also help as we oversee developments to ensure your success and see you safely through this period. There is so much to look forwards to that will thrill you and make every effort you have made feel well worthwhile.
You now face some interesting developments that shall be the commencement of many exciting changes, and leave you in no doubt that that the New Age is truly under way. You are rising up with Mother Earth who has her own Ascension to deal with and looks forward to carrying you up with her. Your actions that are positive will help speed up events and ultimately it is the collective vibrations upon Earth that will determine when you ascend. You have come a long way to reach this most important time in your evolution and the feeling of completion is growing as all souls have the opportunity to lift up. You can help each other through the more challenging times by keeping fear at bay, as the outcome is assured and will take you back to the Light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and just one of the many Space Friends that follow your progress and where possible guide you to your destined success. In time you will join us as equals, and we shall enjoy going into the Universe and sharing many adventures. However, when you are once more completely of the Light, you shall determine where your travels take you as it will be your choice. Think big Dear Ones as you are destined to fully return to the Light.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.