Friday, February 12, 2016

Intel/Rumors - Chinese Elders Achieving World Peace Before GCR Is Released


World peace has been achieved (at least on paper); including Israel & Palestine, Turkey & Syria, Saudi Arabia & Yemen.
Peace is one of the non-negotiable requirements for joining and remaining in good standing with the AIIB (Chinese Elders).

Islamic State funding has been eliminated from all private and public sources.

Buying illegal Islamic State oil is now internationally illegal.

All oil transactions must now be paid for in either: Euros, Rubles or Yuans.

NATO will be disbanded as it exists currently (less USA), and reconstituted as a European Peacekeeping Force.

Turkish President Erdogan surrendered all his personal/illegal Islamic State activities in northern Syria, northern Iraq and Turkey.

He did so in exchange for a percentage of the new Turkish Stream (gas pipeline) that will connect Russian gas with European population.

Both Erdogan (Turkey) and Assad (Syria) will be allowed to remain in power.

Rome's Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill are meeting in Havana, Cuba tomorrow, they will sign an agreement transitioning Christianity into the new Aquarian age.

This agreement will settle a 1,000 year old schism in both Christianity and the Vatican papal structure.

Peace talks in Munich, Germany between Syria, US, Russia, EU, Turkey, Iraq, Armenia and Kurdistan have ended with a cease fire agreement and humanitarian aid package to refugees.

New boundaries have been drawn to split land and take oil fields away from Islamic State/Turkey/Ottoman Empire.

Kurdistan will be given Sovereign Statehood, breaking free from both Turkey and Iraq governments.

Iraq will be announcing Mosul's release from Islamic State forces next week.

IMF's Christine LeGarde received a second term by Chinese Elders, who own both IMF and World Bank now.

Chinese New Year ends Sunday Evening 2/14 in China (Sunday morning 2/14 in USA)
World Markets are being gently positioned to exact RV algorithm starting points the Elders have pre-set for each.

Do not be anxious about the wild market swings, as they are final adjustments in a larger macro strategy.

This report was first seen at Dinar Chronicles