ABSOLUTE MUST READ: From Pizzagate to Gold Rigging
The Clintons, Jes Staley, Jeffrey Epstein & Barclays’ Frauds OR From Pizzagate to Gold Riggingby Mark Anthony Taylor, SGT Report.com:
Students of conspiracy should be well aware of the facts of the Clinton foundation – the ‘charity’ set up by Bill and Hillary Clinton – that received vast sums of money, from China, Russia, Qatar & Saudi Arabia, as well as being bankrolled by the key criminals of the market manipulation cartels. Given that the banks have repeatedly received Quantitative Easing to release them from their bad debts and liquidity issues, they should not have been donating to anyone, least of all to this abomination.

The Clinton Foundation is accused of raising charity money for Haiti, but not actually spending it on any other activity than the procurement of women and children to serve as sex slaves. Bill Clinton, in his UN role, as some kind of kingpin-ambassador to Haiti, was key to the early release of Laura Silsby, who was arrested for attempting to kidnap children from Haiti, some of whom were not orphans. Silsby’s lawyers were also involved in the sex trafficking of women and children. The exposĂ© of Bill Clinton’s intervention is understood to be the precursor to the #pizzagate scandal.
Clinton was a frequenter of Jeffrey Epstein’s Island and connoisseur of Epstein’s personal jet, otherwise known as Lolita Express. Jeffrey Epstein is the American financier who served time for soliciting under age girls for prostitution. Famously, Esptein’s ‘Black Book’ was disclosed to the Federal Court of Southern Florida in January 2015. – this contained his contact list, and includes the British Royal Family, the Saudi Royal Family, the Rothschilds, Tony Blair and David Cameron as well as many celebrities, BBC personalities and news anchormen and other VIPs.
From Lolita to Podesta
The emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, were released to Wikileaks by Seth Rich, who was later murdered. Podesta’s emails are now public domain and close scrutiny shows many references to ‘Pizza’ and other foodstuffs, that are known codewords used by paedophiles to each other. Many disturbing pictures were discovered in Podesta’s pornography collection, including this:

There is a substantial body of analysis by third parties that show Podesta is a sadistic paedophile and was involved in supplying under-age children to former President Obama. The conspiracy is known as #pizzagate and its generalization on the global stage is known as #pedogate. The lead editor of the #Pizzagate Wikipedia page, which claims the allegations against Podesta are debunked, is one Petri Kohn, Finnish Anti-Fascist and Stalinist, as pictured here:

Another editor, Andrew Lih, who also claims #Pizzagate is discredited, in the same web-page, is shown below. Mr Lih is a Chinese citizen, and works with the Chinese Communist government to censor the Chinese version of Wikipedia. One wonders why Wikipedia or the US government allow him to edit US Wikipedia entries, particularly when the subject matter is a conspiracy that involves the Clinton Foundation to which China contributes significant money.

Enter the Blue Iron Eagle
Barclays is well known as a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) – it has hosted Democrat Party meetings .and paid significant sums for Bill Clinton to make speeches. The Barclays paedophile connection is herein elucidated.
In an article in the Mail on Sunday, dated 24th October 2015, it was revealed that Jes Staley, the current CEO of Barclays, won his position after lobbying from Jeffrey Epstein. A number of Mr Staley’s phone numbers appear in Epstein’s Black Book and it is believed Staley met Epstein in the latter’s apartment in 2012. The Mail claims that the UK Treasury, the Bank of England, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, – George Osborne, all opposed Staley’s appointment as CEO, and this was somehow leaked to Epstein. Epstein appears to have threatened the UK, in an email stating that Barclays would suffer were Staley not appointed CEO. (If you are to be a master of the world, first be a master of your own paedophile ring).
In April 2017 Staley was exposed by the press for having used an internal surveillance and security team to identify whistle blowers at the bank who had identified frauds and reported anonymously to Barclays’ board. It is curious that the CEO of the bank does not want his immediate underlings to understand what illicit things the bank is doing. Staley was reprimanded by the board and suffered a pay cut. However, there is no act of criminality that cannot be balanced out without a suitable advocacy of some politically correct cause or other…
A quick perusal of the Barclays home page shows a banner promoting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (LGBT) and this should come as no surprise when Staley is a self-confessed ‘diversity’ proponent. It is exactly what one would expect from a man who counts paedophiles amongst his business associates – particularly homosexual paedophiles, such as John Podesta. It is not really a bank’s job to push any kind of sexual or political agenda, but in Staley’s mind financial function and sexual disposition are confused.

Gold riggers and their Paedophile Friends in Establishment
Recently JP Morgan’s strike-out of a precious metal rigging lawsuit was overturned. This reversal-of-fotunes is mirrored – with Deutsche Bank, UBS, Barclays, HSBC, SociĂ©tĂ© GĂ©nĂ©rale and Scotiabank, all of whom seem to be incriminated by recent court cases. Staley as an Ex-JPM executive would know. A year prior to his appointment, Barclays, HSBC, RBS, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup and JP Morgan were hit by an antitrust lawsuit from me (B40BM021) in the UK under the Birmingham Mercantile Court. HSBC attempted to have that lawsuit quashed from the outset, having filed a restraining order in December 2014. The application did not go through until the first hearing for B40BM021 on the 16h of July 2015.
The defendants would ideally have wanted the restraining order before they were forced to submit a defence, because the defence incriminates them for perjury and conspiracy to commit fraud. Given that Deutsche Bank exposed HSBC in its disclosures and HSBC’s name is on the restraining order as sole applicant, then HSBC executives would have to know signing that order incriminated themselves for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Their solution was to have the judge, Simon Brown QC, appear to have established a restraining order of his own volition. The problem is that Brown signed HSBC’s application – thus contradicting his own statements signed in that order. All sides knew that Anshu Jain, former CEO of Deutsche Bank, could not prove the merits of his own audits when challenged, so could not risk attending his own hearing. Brown used my demand that Jain attend his own hearing as justification for a restraining order – which is about an egregious a violation of civil rights to a fair hearing as can be.
Simon Brown was thus proven a blatantly corrupt judge the pertinent question is of leverage. We know that his misconduct was covered up all the way to the top, including the office of the Attorney General; the office of the Lord Chancellor; the Treasury Select Committee; the Justice Select Committee; the Serious Fraud Office; the Financial Conduct Authority; the Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman; and the office of the Lord Chief Justice.
Enter Jes Staley – fresh from JP Morgan, a co-defendant, and with Epstein’s network to hand.

Who would Epstein have contacted to guarantee collusion of all legal agencies to cover up the bank frauds? The most natural supposition is David Cameron. Cameron was listed in Epstein’s Black Book. Cameron was also a friend of the Clintons. Under Cameron’s watch many investigations against paedophiles went nowhere, dossiers were lost and prosecutions terminated. If a Westminster paedophile ring with a Clinton/Podesta/Epstein connection were vulnerable to blackmail by Epstein, it is all too easy to see how Staley could have sealed the fate of the lawsuit with a single phone call. Whether this happened or not, whether it was a plain bribe or secret society handshake, the power behind the corruption had to be sufficient to keep both the UK Judiciary and Parliament in check. A single bribe does not seem sufficient for that purpose.
The Saudi / Qatar Connection
Barclays executives have recently been prosecuted for loaning Qatar money to buy back Barclay’s shares, to create the illusion of fake confidence in their own value, a fraud with many facets. At least one of the defendants in the prosecution is facing 22 years in prison. Strangely enough Staley, CEO of Barclays, was in more of a position to understand the fraud than almost everyone else – yet he was not arrested. Again, is this the Epstein circle of friends granting effective immunity to the Rule of Law?

Deutsche Bank are part owned by Qatar, and Qatar are known funders of ISIS to the tune of billions. The Saudis, linked to Epstein, were major contributors to the Clinton Foundation, and are also known to fund an equip ISIS. It is funny how Staley and the Saudis, on opposite sides of the LGBT thing, both think the Clinton Foundation, with its child trafficking, as something they need to support. (I have trouble trying to remember that witty/profound/poignant anecdote from the mouth of a Clinton. Who are these people who attend their speeches?)
Tony Blair, also a friend of the Clintons, and listed in Epstein’s Black Book, seems to have a cushy job running Middle East trade contracts for JP Morgan. The evidence suggests Deutsche Bank and Barclays, as part of their gold rigging cartel and money laundering operation, were supplying Qatar with gold to fund ISIS. The UK government seems intent on destroying Syria, bringing in the ISIS fighters into Europe, and then giving them free reign to pulverise our cities, under the pretext that its part of the war against ‘Lone Wolf White Supremacists.’ MI-5 were known to have let the Manchester bomber blow up children, and cover-up the racial and religious profile of the culprit – yet May wants more control of the Internet – so that the intelligence services can ‘protect us from terrorism.’ Is it any surprise support for May barely registers in single digits. (Perhaps her Internet regulation could be enacted in Parliament under the name of WannaCry API).
Enter May
Since the Brexit vote, Cameron stepped down and Theresa May took his place. Her Lord Chancellor, Liz Truss MP, did not concern herself at all that the courts were corrupted by the banking system. It is not the only thing she managed to conceal from Parliament – she was exposed in an article by the Mail on Sunday on the 25th of June 2017 for having helped the Ministry of Justice bury a report that showed its own policies were increasing the re-offending rates of paedophiles. One might figure the person with the ultimate responsibility for the cover-up on the judicial side to be the Lord Chief Justice, Baron Thomas, the same man I accused of having covered up gold rigging in my lawsuit. But Lord Chief Justices can do no wrong.
Peter Wanless of the NSPCC was reported in January of 2017 that the government was ‘dragging its feet’ bringing in legislation against paedophiles. All of this suggests May deliberately chooses someone weak – or even affectionate – to the Westminster paedophile ring to act as Lord Chancellor. David Lidington, Truss’ successor, likewise ignored the corruption in the Ministry of Justice, having delegated the task of judging the allegations to the Ministry itself – clear dereliction of duty. He will have a critical role determining the next Lord Chief Justice in September 2017. One can assume the new boss will be as paedophile-friendly as the old boss.
Round Two
HSBC’s restraining order runs out on the 16th of July 2017 – just over a week from the time of writing. I think it will be difficult to find a judge corrupt enough to extend it. I plan on having the court’s earlier verdicts all struck out, on the basis defendants lied. I am going through the process of retrieving the Deutsche Bank disclosures that incriminated Barclays, HSBC and UBS. Throughout the past year I have come into contact with people in a similar situation to myself, all defrauded by a corrupt legal system in which every complaint procedure is rigged at every level. What we have discovered is a mine of information mapping out the judges’ paedophile network. The Internet and its courageous citizen-journalists are about to strike: the Ministry of Justice may be about to fall.
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