"The BUREAUCRACY reverts to its normal level of incompetence"- by Fisher 7/20/2017
July 20, 2017
Yesterday Amazon, CITIBANK, PAYPAL and others were informed that the TDA's
would be available/open, which is why Amazon told all to re-process their prior purchases CITIBANK was told by a Treasury representative/agent that the accounts would be accessible Wed-Thurs, this on a 3 way call between citi,
a citi customer and the agent. There were many such inquiries and calls with
Treasury agents, all callers were given the same or similar answers, Wed-Thurs the accounts will be "open"
Two things to remember and ponder-HSBC (Hong Kpng) said to "expect"
something around midnight and Treasury saying the TDA's were NESARA money
HSBC was expecting the USN announcement, which we all know will be the
new currency for the Republic, since they can not and will not use a fiat currency
NO ANNOUNCEMENT was made, no release.
Today, all TDA transactions are blocked, stopped, reversed and many accounts again closed or "on-hold"
Amazon, Paypal, CitiBank and other companies/vendors AND the AMERICAN
PUBLIC have a right to be very upset/angry and generally ticked-off at this bureaucratic cluster-flop.
WE ASK YOU, TREASURY, WHO is in charge, who is responsible, WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE?????